Chapter 6 – Forgive me God, for I have sinned!
Boys whom I fucked only after a couple of minutes of knowing each other, took me as the greatest bless sent by God. How do you call ‘a damn hot girl who comes into your store…
… and fucks you three minutes later, if not a miracle?’, one of them asked.

For me, this is rather a curse. Living with this tormenting sexual disorder is killing me inside every day.Being a nympho makes me extremely vulnerable in front of the people who make use of my debility. I easily lose control over my body, and I often wake up next to a complete stranger, asking myself ‘HOW DID I GET HERE?’
When I was little, I was quite religious. My orthodox parents thought me to pray every night before going to sleep, before sitting at the table, before an important test at school. I was attending the church every Sunday morning, Wednesday night and every time something was weighing heavy on my heart.
My faith and my moral sense were highly shaken when I was diagnosed as a nymphomaniac. Since then, I have been a real sinner, doing the worst things someone could do: sleeping with my best friend’s boyfriend, cheating on my boyfriend with his friends (one of them was my first cousin), and hunting for new pieces of flesh each night like a thirsty vampire, desperate to find something to fill my pussy with.
Today, I finally turn my eyes to God and seek for forgiveness.I put on a decent blouse and a long skirt to the ground, a pair of beige ballerina shoes and I have my head covered with a veil.
As soon as I get to church, millions of nasty thoughts cross my mind. It’s been some time since I haven’t participated to the Sacred Liturgy, so I lie on my knees and try to pray peacefully next to the other believers. At the end of the rite, I remain in the back of the Church, while the priest is anointing people with consecratory oil. I wait quietly and fearful, waiting to confess all my sins, holding a big piece of paper in my hands. I have done so many sins lately that it is hard to remember them all, so I wrote them down. The Christians move chaotically in the church, while I take a look on the piece of paper from time to time, in order to have a full confession.
Only after I make sure everyone leaves the Church, I try to find the nerve to talk with the Priest.

‘Yes, my dear. How can I help you?’
‘Father…I need to confess my sins …if you have time…’
‘Of course. God always has time to hear a sinner’s confession. What is your name?’
‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen!May the Lord help you confess all your sins with great sorrow’.
And there he starts reading an Orthodox prayer which makes me feel even more nervous than I am.
‘Tell me, Joanna, what do you have on your mind?’he asks me with a gentle tone of voice, while I kneel and kiss the Gospel Book and the cross.
‘Father, please tell God to forgive me for what I‘ve did‘
‘Tell Him yourself; He is right here with us now’
‘I have a lot to get off my chest…I did many naughty things‘
‘Don’t be afraid to confess your sins, no matter how embarrassing they are, my child’
‘Ok, here I go. When I was little, I used to masturbate a lot. Every night when my parents were asleep, my body was literally forcing me to touch myself…’
‘Go on…’
‘And…One day, I did it. I started knowing boys and having sex with them. Soon, I found out that I was a nymphomaniac’
‘A what??’
‘A nymphomaniac, father…I am addicted to sex. Since then, I haven’t been to church anymore and I lost my faith’
‘Oh, poor girl…Go on‘
‘So…I had sex with more than two hundred people until now. I had sex with my boss, which was absolutely delicious…I mean, sinful. He made me feel like nobody else before. Unfortunately, his wife came in and caught us in the middle of…’
‘Forgive her, God’
‘Then, I had sex with a seller. But only because he had a great moustache which turned me on from the first second I entered the store…So, we went to the bathroom and…

‘We had wild sex’
‘In normal positions?’
‘He penetrated me from behind…then I went down on him and sucked his…’ As I am speaking, I feel both extremely embarrassed but also aroused, because all the hot memories are coming back to me.
‘Oh, dear God. Do you regret what you did, child?’
‘Well…Yes, just because I upset God. But, it felt so good! Then, I did something even worse; I slept with two strippers.’
‘Oh, dear…’ the priest says, wiping the sweat off his brow.
‘Later on, a girl joined us. I made sex with the three of them.’
‘Did you touch her too?’ he asks with an almost aroused pitch.
‘Yes. We touched our boobs and kissed, while the boys penetrated us from behind…The sensation was so intense…’
The embarrassment I felt at the beginning of my confession soon turned into a strong state of arousal. Priest’s mind is obviously addled when hearing my confession, as he keeps sweating and looking at me.
‘Do you think God will ever forgive me for what I did, father?’
‘It depends my child…You will have to pray a lot. I will also give you a penance’ he says, unveiling my head and touching my hair.
‘You are very beautiful, Joanna. No wonder why so many men fell into temptation’, he adds, crossing one leg over the other.
God will kill me for this, I know it, but…I can’t help looking at his penis, for a second. I cannot say if that is his natural size or my priest actually got aroused during my confession, but one thing is for sure: I should leave the church immediately, as the other side of me is beginning to take control over my body once again.
‘Please tell me what to do, to be forgiven, father!’
The priest comes closer to me and touches one of my boobs through my blouse.
‘Wait! What will God say?’ I shout embarrassed,but extremely aroused at the same time.
‘God is kind and merciful, child. He will understand us’ he replies, getting quickly on top of me, in the middle of the church.
Right now, there is a hard battle inside of me, between my moral sense and my horny pussy. The priest unzipped my long skirt and pulled it out wildly, while kissing my boobs through my blouse.

‘Ahh…What if anyone catches us, Father?’
‘Nobody comes at this hour, relax…’ he replies, pulling out my blouse and my panties, and leaving me completely naked.
I can’t resist the temptation anymore. No matter how much I fought against myself, Joanna, the nymphomaniac, is alive again!
‘I have never fucked a priest before, you know? It is so wrong that it makes me horny as hell’
I struggle to take off his long liturgical vesture and seek for his cock, inside the old-fashioned panties. Mm, it looks so delicious that I simply can’t help myself from having a bite.
‘You taste so good, father!’I look in his eyes while licking his cock.
‘Oh, God…forgive me!’ he shouts completely aroused.
‘Do you think we will burn in hell for this, father?’ I ask him while holding his most tender parts in between my teeth.
‘No, child…God made us to love each other’
Right after I play with him a little more, sucking his cock and balls, I stand up and put him on the same chair he was seating during the confession. I seat on his lap with my legs around his waist, putting his penis inside my very wet pussy.
‘This feels so good…he says. It is so warm and nice inside of you!’
‘Fuck me, father…I want to cum on you!’
With my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs spread wide, I bend back and leave him in control of the entire sexual intercourse. I feel so horny when he puts his cock in and outoff me, while he keeps my back with one hand, and touches my boobs with the other one.
My arousal decreases as I look at the hundreds of icons, which freak me out because seem to stare at me. I suddenly have remorse for what I am doing in the house of God.
You will burn in hell, bitch! I almost hear the demons thirsty for my soul.
The priest does not seem to have any remorse, as he looks more aroused than ever. He notices my distraction and starts kissing my boobs extremely passionately. His great beard tickles my nipples, making them tighten quickly, while his sinful hand goes down rubbing my clit.
‘Oh my…’
‘I want to see you cum, Joanna…Cum on me!’
His penis begins penetrating me really fast, while his hands are softly squishing my boobs. This sensation really turns me on. Once again, I forget about the sinful context and I let myself go.
‘Faster, father…I am about to cum on you! Make me feel your cock how it moves inside of my horny wet pussy!’
‘Can you feel me now? I am about to shoot you with pleasure’

As I hear him talking so naughty to me, my body gets extremely horny and I suddenly feel a great pleasure coming from inside of me. I feel my vaginal muscles contracting and my body stiffening, while the priest penetrates me faster each second and slightly squeezes my boobs.
‘Feel my cum, father…’
‘I can’t resist anymore, child!’
The priest is a gentleman and lets me enjoy cuming, then he quickly pulls his penis out of my pussy and cums on his hands. My body feels extremely released, but my heart feels heavy. I know what I did was extremely wrong but…Damn’, it felt so good!
I get up and look for my clothes, scattered all over the floor, while the priest shamefully cleans himself and puts on his garments.
‘Thank you for everything, Father. I hope one day God will forgive me’
‘Take care of you child, and pray…Pray for our sinful souls’
The tension and the embarrassing situation make me get out of the church with the speed of light. I head straight home, asking God to forgive me my pleasurable sins.