Here is our latest interview with Ximena, a Dundee independent escort
MyNaughtyScotland: Good evening, beautiful lady!
Ximena: Hi guys! Welcome in my pleasure nest.
MyNaughtyScotland: Mm…I like how it sounds! Is this where you usually meet your clients?
Ximena: No. This is where I ALWAYS meet my clients.
MyNaughtyScotland: This means you only work incall?

Ximena: Yes. I’ve only provided outcall services for three weeks but I didn’t like it too much, so I’ve decided to stick to incall services.
MyNaughtyScotland: What went wrong?
Ximena: Going to a new place is sometimes risky, sometimes uncomfortable. I prefer meeting my clients somewhere safe for both of us, where no one and nothing could disturb us.
MyNaughtyScotland: Could you give us an example of such an experience?
Ximena: Mm…There are many. During the three weeks, I met a guy at his address and we got caught by his teenage daughter, although he said nobody would interrupt us. Gosh, I still remember the scandal she made when she saw her dad’s head between my tits!
MyNaughtyScotland: Ouch! (laughing). How did you react?
Ximena: I took my purse and got out of there before the bitch killed me.
MyNaughtyScotland: So,after all you were lucky for escaping the deadly claws of the beast!
Ximena: Indeed!
MyNaughtyScotland: We got directly into the middle of the conversation. Let’s start with the beginning. How old are you and where do you live?

Ximena: I am 29 years old. I was born and raised in Edinburgh but I currently live in Dundee.
MyNaughtyScotland: For how long have you been doing this job?
Ximena: For almost four years.
MyNaughtyScotland: Could you tell us how you became an escort?
Ximena: Hm…My ex-boyfriend got me into this business. He did not like working, so he thought earning money by putting me to work was a better idea.
MyNaughtyScotland: So he suggested you to become an escort?
Ximena: No. He took care of everything. All I had to do was to date clients.
MyNaughtyScotland: So, have you spoken to him lately? What is he doing now that he does not have you, to help him with the money?
Ximena: Eh, he probably found another fool like me who supports him. I haven’t talked to him for a long while because he was a jerk. It took me a while to realize he was just using me.
MyNaughtyScotland: Too bad. But you know what they say, everything happens for a reason. Do you date someone else now?
Ximena: Yes. Around eight people a week (laughing). To be honest, I have many clients, which leaves me no free time for my private life. But, I don’t say NO. Who knows when the future brings me a charming prince?!
MyNaughtyScotland: Yup, you can never know. Tell us Ximena, do you think your beauty helped you succeed in this job?
Ximena: Beauty is very important in this industry, but fortunately not the most important. Clients don’t just look for beautiful ladies when they request some professional escort services. When they meet an escort, they expect to find the perfect lover. A person who does not yell, who does not talk about commitments all day long, who does not put pressure on him, who makes him feel good only by feeling good in his company.

MyNaughtyScotland: An interesting point of view. This is probably the main reason why so many men nowadays date escorts. You probably met other girls who work in the same industry. Are they like you?
Ximena: It depends. They are generally normal people just like me. If you saw them on the street, you could never guess they work as professional escorts. Most of us dress normally, even conservatively sometimes, in real-life. They have problems just like anybody else.
MyNaughtyScotland: How do you manage your time, between your private life (family, friends, hobbies) and your job?
Ximena: Well, sometimes it’s difficult. Last month, I was invited to one of my best friends’ wedding and I also had an important meeting with one of my regular clients, who does not take NO for an answer. I did not want to disappoint my friend, but neither to lose such an important client who is not only a big source of money, but also of fun and energy.
MyNaughtyScotland: I am curious. What did you go for?
Ximena: Guess.
MyNaughtyScotland: Probably for your friend. Or no, for the generous client!
Ximena: For both of them (laughing). I had to split my time between my friend’s wedding and my client. After one hour and a half with him, I ran directly to my friend’s wedding. I had to go dressed like an escort, as I did not have time to change my clothes.
MyNaughtyScotland: Pretty intelligent.
Ximena: Anyway, these kinds of situations are very rare. I usually have enough time for everything. Luckily, I don’t have to sleep much.
MyNaughtyScotland: What do you do in your free time?
Ximena: I spend it with my child.
MyNaughtyScotland: You have a baby?
Ximena: Yes, I have a two-year-old boy named Jim. He is everything for me.
MyNaughtyScotland: What happened to his father?
Ximena: Hum, it’s a long story. His father was one of my clients. I fell in love with him and you know…He kind of ran away when he found out that I was pregnant. I have never heard about him since then. But I don’t regret what happened because God gave me Jim, who is now my reason to stay alive.

MyNaughtyScotland: As I said, everything happens for a reason. What about your family, your parents? Do they know about this?
Ximena: Actually, they are the ones who help me raise my child. I have been hiding my job from them because they are old and have a different mentality. They would never understand this job, this industry! They are happy I earn a lot of money and don’t bother me with stressful questions.
MyNaughtyScotland: Do you tell your clients about your baby?
Ximena: Hell no! It’s not like we’re getting married (laughing). These things chase men away; you know it. I really don’t like talking about my private life with my clients.
MyNaughtyScotland: Ok. Tell us more details about your meeting. Do your clients ever sleep over?
Ximena: My clients come to me for various reasons. They come because they are bored, curios or because they have problems at home. They come to me for pleasure. There is one client from Edinburgh, who always sleeps over. I cannot tell him not to, because he would never call me again. He is rather the affectionate type of guy, who needs a lot of love and attention.
MyNaughtyScotland: You say it as if this bothered you.
Ximena: No, I like his personality a lot and he is one of my regular clients. I love spending time with him because no matter how tired we are, we still find interesting topics to debate. Just that I am strict when it comes to sleeping over. For me, this is something very important, which should not happen as an escort.
MyNaughtyScotland: I understand. Time for the last question. What are your plans for the future? How do you see yourself in a couple of years?
Ximena: Although I hate making plans, I paradoxically have many plans. I am aware that I won’t be doing this my entire life so I plan on starting my own business.
MyNaughtyScotland: Cool. What business?
Ximena: I don’t know, I haven’t made up my mind yet. I want to work for a couple of years more, earn much money, and then I’ll hopefully make the best decision.
MyNaughtyScotland: We wish you good luck in your future endeavors! Well, these were all our questions.
MyNaughtyScotland: Thank you a lot Ximena, we really appreciate it!
Ximena: My pleasure. Keep up the good work, you are the best!