Last days I went to a delegation.
My name is Toni and I am 25 years old, I am married but one of those who took this step

Without considering marriage an act that requires the existence of a single partner for the rest of the life. However, since I got married (because I was in love), nothing like this happened.
Since I knew in the delegation that teachers from all over the country would take part, I was curious about what kind of women will be present. When I saw the group, I was slightly disappointed: there was only one young lady coming from a small town that looked like a good girl. Besides, her blouse revealed too little of what I liked to see there.
I started to resign, especially as the delegation was going to take only a few days, and I was doing my job, mainly my tasks (presentation of projects made by myself and my colleagues).
So, two days have passed from the total of four that delegation will last. At lunch that day, by chance, I got to sit at the table with my colleague. So I came to know that she is called Laura, and she was married. I started to imagine what her husband looks like, what his concerns are, etc. I imagined them to be the kind of quiet family, each having a little over average salary, and who at the end of the week went to visit their parents in the villages of origin. No trace of the feme fatale, coming from another big city (like me) that I hope to meet those days.
However, during the second meal, I noticed that good-looking face was a little changed. It seemed to me that she was starting to look at me differently. I thought maybe it was the glass of wine we were served with, but I realized that Laura had not consumed hers. I forced myself not to pay attention to that look, to avoid any possible problems that might arise earlier. After the meal, on Laura’s figure could be read a slight contempt that was not characteristic of that kind of woman, which made me wonder. I began to think of the kind of scenarios in which things were on a totally different course than the natural relationship between two colleagues. I began to look at her, in the hope of a little sign of a possible communication. But she had that slightly ironic look that has started to annoy me easily. I was a young and very appreciated, professional teacher at a major national education institution , it was stupid to agitate for a stranger.
However, the meal ended without Laura telling me or suggesting in any way anything that could tell me anything that might follow. I decided to stay calm until I see what’s next. The program on that day was over without me meeting Laura. At dinner, Laura retook her usual place at the ladies table, and in front of me came the professor who made a request to exchange places with Laura to discuss with his colleague about the work to be presented The next day.
After lunch, I went out with my roommate for a little walk through the mountain resort we were in. At one point, my cell phone announced receiving a text message. I was convinced it was sent by my wife, and I pulled out the phone, ready to read the usual text. However, I was surprised to find that the number on which the message was sent was an unknown number , from another network. I opened the message, convinced that it was a notification from one of my clients, but I was astonished to see the following text: “I expect you at 23.00 in Room 222. L. “I was having no idea what to believe. Laura had no way to find out my phone number, after all of those people no one knew my phone number. I did not imagine what we were going to do in that room, because as far as I knew, everyone had one roommate, all of the rooms being for two.
But I looked at my watch, finding it was much later than I thought, 22:40. The 20 minutes that were left were enough to get back to the hotel and take a quick shower. But the problem was my roommate, who was supposed to find out where I was going so suddenly after I had been the one who had proposed a walk that evening. I decided quickly: I told him I had to make an international phone call at the headquarters of the company, which was located abroad, and I do not have the phone number, but it was on the agenda that was in the room. Knowing that he is much older than me, he proposed me to go forward, which was more than convenient for me, considering the situation I was in.
So I ran on the way to the hotel, in the idea of making sure that I had enough time to take a shower and to prepare me properly for what was to follow. With stupor I discovered that instead of the two beds that were in our rooms, there was only one bigger bed in that room.
So I was in a matrimonial room. But I did not take two steps and the door opened and Laura appeared, in a black dress with oriental patterns, and with some light footwear on her feet. She had a totally different aspect. She did not say anything. She looked for a moment at me; she had her usual look, which seemed to be very calm, along with a lot of obedience. Seeing that I wasn’t doing anything and saying anything, she slowly took off the robe, and let it fall near her. She was completely naked. My gaze was instantly drawn to the breasts that did not seem so insignificant anymore: they were small, but the shape of adolescent breasts was very exciting. Only the large nipples, very dark in color, with small, round nipples, spoke more clearly about the age of the wearer. I put my hand on one of the breasts and felt like they were as hard as the stone. The nipples were unreal. I was afraid to touch them in order not to break them. I lowered my gaze to her belly, which was completely flat. She had a very small navel, but it was outfitted with a fine diamond earring. That new discovery made me had an even stronger erection: it meant the person in front of me was at least aware of what was modern. My gaze descended even more, revealing to me her pussy, which seemed to be almost completely shaved. Looking at it more closely, I found that it was not actually shaved, but that she had very little hair, so her pussy had the appearance of one of the teenagers at the beginning of this period.
Her clitoris was growing in my mouth. After I crossed my tongue a few times on it, I saw she was moaning loudly and had a very violent first orgasm, during which she furiously pushed my head between her legs, suffocating me. She pushed me lightly on the bed and spread my legs, kneeling on the carpet in front of the bed. With a hand she lifted my dick yet relatively soft, and then she began to lick my balls, which were already almost painful because of the lack of activity in the last few days. Her warm tongue was driving me completely mad. After a very short time I started to have a very long orgasm, I think the longest one I’ve ever had. At one point, I realized that I was going to cum and I wanted to suggest that she should take my dick out of her mouth. But she blinked lightly and continued her movement slowly, my dick still being in her mouth.