Lovely september time, warm weather, the perfect season for walkings. I am at the beginning of a new relationship that I don’t think it will last.
Automn is my favourite season, I like to walk in the rain, to hold hands with my lover, through the droopy leaves. We are a modern couple, we like to go out separately too, each of us with boys and girls, it is healthy and beautiful for a relationship to have freedom. I met him at a tourism agreement, he was looking for an offer to leave in holiday, as I. Or at least that was my thought.

I observed him in the crowdy area, he was with some friends. A funny and happy guy. I stopped for a moment because I was interested to an offer to Greece, I was waiting for somebody to explain me, when suddenly I saw him standing next to me, telling me that he was interested too for leaving to Greece, with me, if I was going to agree. I smiled and I thought that he was joking, but he stayed with me during the discusion, looking very interested. We were like a couple who was going to leave in a vacation. Everything was very funny and he told me after we finished that since we go in a vacation together, we should drink a coffee and plan everything. I thought it was a joke again, but he insisted. I promised him we were going to see each other and I gave him my number. One day, while I was working, my phone rang and a manly voice said:
– I am Mircea, your vacation partner! I was looking forward to call you, but I’ve been busy lately. Do you think we can have a coffee today?
– Hi, I am Silvia! I will have a coffee with you, with pleasure!
I finished my work and I hurried home to take a shower and prepare for the date. I left and I found him at a table, waiting for me. We spent a few hours together and I found out that he was working at that tourism agency and it was all a plan to get close to me. He promised me that he was going to take me to Greece. Everything happened so fast, we were feeling very attracted one to another and we got the sensation that we knew each other for a very long time. After we left the coffee shop, we walked thtough the city to admire the lights by night. It is said that everything is more beautiful when you are with the suitable person. The sky was clear and full of stars and the full moon was lighting our way, the air was fresh and perfumed, everything was magical. He made me laugh, we ate a hot-dog and doughnouts. He was a handsome, sexy man, dressed as I liked, with black, almond shaped eyes, with big eyelashes and rebel hair, a man who enjos life, a thing that I adored. He accompanied me home and he said goodbye like a gentleman. It didn’t matter that he didn’t kiss me, on the contrary, I was very happy because he didn’t want to rush things.
Now, after so many dates when nothing happened, I feel the need to touch him. Everytime he smiles, makes me want him more, I love his lips, I want to kiss them. He invited me to dinner at his house, where he lives alone. I wore a simple, red dress, a pair of high heels shoes, I arranged my hair and I stopped to buy some cupcakes. I arrived at his wonderful apartment, he was that type of guy who cooks and lives by himself. I was analyzing eah aspect of his life and I was beggining to realize that he was everything I have ever wanted. The food was amazingly delicious, we also had dessert and some alcohol. At some point his hand was on top of mine and his eyes were looking at my feet. I was a little bit nervous and I asked him where was he looking. He made a joke like always and he took me in his arms. I was sure that was going to happen if I was going to be in his place. I felt his strong arms and his manly perfume. Suddenly I felt his hands on my back, undressing me. I loved the feeling…He kissed my naked shoulders and he left the dress to fall next to me. I undressed him too. We were half naked, standing one in front of another. Then we removed the lingerie and we studied each other. It was starting with a kiss and ended in his big bed, making love like in a movie. Every day with him was a dream.
In a september evening he told me too see him in a pavilion in the park, at the lake’s shore. I got earlier than him. I sat on the bench and I was looking at the moon which was mirrorring itself in the lake. After a few minutes I saw him in front of me, with a bouquet of red roses. I smiled and I jumped in his arms. He told me that he wanted to move in together and he proposed me to be his wife. I was very happy and I said yes. I have never thougt that it was going to happen so fast. I cried and we kissed, he brought me a splendid ring. We took a walk and we made plans. We layed on the grass, by the moonlight, and he began to play with my breasts, to touch me on my intimate area, I couldn’t resist more and he opened his pants and we had sex there, it didn’t matter if somebody was going to see us. I hope to be like that all the time, adventurous and full of passion and desire.
Everything around us was spreading love, in that beautiful september night.