Past vs. Present Dating. Pros and cons!
Along with the invention of the Internet our lives have changed dramatically in all aspects of life, including dating. If in the past, dating implied a more serious relationship and also…
… commitment, nowadays it is simpler going online and using a quality dating site so as to find the perfect person with whom to spend your evening with.
There is no doubt that there are huge differences between past and present dates; each one with its pros and cons. But let us study this entire process and observe it objectively.
Traditional Dating
The backbone of the traditional dating relies on the fact that people had to meet face-to-face in order to go out. Imagine your life with no cell phones, no emails and no social media. Do you think you could have managed those times and find true love?

People needed to know each other visually or be some sort of acquaintance in order for the date to take place. Moreover parents had a vital role in a possible relationship –their approval was needed and mandatory. What was prior was love!
Usually, a date without a commitment rarely happened; the date was most of the times supervised by the parents of the girl during a casual home visit, therefore meeting the parents was inevitable.
Greater value was put on reciprocal respect; everything was much more formal and there were clearly defined rules, such as:
- Men had to ask for a date with several days in advance
- Men needed to meet the girl’s family first
- Double dates did not exist
- The only two possibilities were: dinner or movies
- Men always had to do the paying and the asking
Since 1970’s simple dating seemed to disappear little by little; it had to adapt to the changing times.
All sorts of tricks were used to impress the ladies; the focus was put on totally other things, and taking your girlfriend out involved following some formal steps. Therefore, if any conclusion still needs to be drawn, we can state that the male-female interaction has changed without a doubt, drastically over the time.
Modern Dating
Today’s laws are less clear in contrast to what was a common habit in the past. Social network sites are used by people of all ages to get a date and eventually meet the love of their life. Probably nowadays some might say that dating is less time consuming. But others might as well state that it involves a less quality relationship.

Undoubtedly the notion of today’s dating is totally different from what it was in the past. The interest is put on totally other things; however common goals have also been conserved – men need to be popular in order to conquer their future love. Either that women admit this or not, men have to fit into certain criteria so that the rest can eventually come afterwards.
The abundance of single women available online encourages a different type of dating process nowadays. Is it more convenient?
If in the past people had no other chances to date someone but face to face, nowadays people use text messages, emails and even video calls instead of going on a traditional dating. A fact is certain though, dating has evolved along with the participants and the technology available.
Nowadays, it seems that individuals are more open-minded and freer. Women are more responsible, while men seem not to get involved that easily in any kind of relationship. As a proof stands the apparition of a phenomena that would have shocked the past society – friends with benefits, or one night stand.
People have much more opportunities today to find true love through the use of the internet; long-distance relationships are not perceived anymore to be something out of the ordinary. So, I would say dating is not extinct yet, but as the time passes it might get to this point too.
There is no doubt that the face-to-face interaction is slowly but surely replaced by communication via social sites, and marriage does not count that much.
As any other subject there are both pros and cons, so let us study together this phenomenon.
Traditional Dating – Advantages

- Face-to-face contact
- The opportunity to read body language
- Much more personal
- Spend time with someone who has the same values as you have
- The same goal: marriage
- More intimate because of the family involvement
Traditional Dating – Disadvantages
- If you are not a confident person it might be a little bit more difficult for you
- A higher percentage of rejection
- You can be influenced by your peers
- People only meet by coincidence
- Limited freedom
- Must follow certain rules and regulations
Modern Dating – Advantages
You can meet someone from the comfort of your own home
- You can know the person before actually meeting her/him
- You can express yourself more easily if you are a shy person
- You can meet persons all over the world
- You are forced to know a person at a nonphysical level, therefore know a person beyond her/his physical beauty
- A larger pool of options
Modern Dating – Disadvantages
- People might have fake profiles
- People might be unrealistic and just mess with you
- You can get a false impression
- You can meet scammers
- Permanent personal data sharing
- People might lie with all sorts of things
Internet illusions
As we can see both online and traditional dating has pros and cons as well. However, what do we do with all the falsities out there? What kinds of lies are used to deceive people? Let us take a closer look and study this contemporary phenomenon.
A well-written profile can give you a false impression of a non-existing reality. However, nothing is too curious in cyberspace!
You have the chance to sort your choices and find compatibility based on what is written in the profile. But what do we do if it is a fake?
People can be much more influenced nowadays and can be easier misled. Less time spent in the outside world, means for the majority of the situations a greater probability of being deceived by the wrong appearances.
My statements are sustained by a recent analysis made by Kristi Dosh – ‘The 10 Most Common Lies in Online Dating Profiles’. A good one! It is definitely a worth reading article; it portrays the most frequent lies people say in the cyberspace. Read them carefully and there will be fewer chances for you to be deceived by others!
- How tall are you? – 20% of men lie about this aspect on the internet, in comparison to only 10% of women
- Slender or not? – As you might have guessed, women are more likely to lie about this aspect. But why?
- Are you good looking? – Drop off the clichés on this one, please! Bear in mind that at a certain point you might have to prove your statements!
How old are you? –1/3 of men lie about this one, in comparison to only 17% of women.
- Monthly income? – Men claim much more than they really have. It is some sort of pride for them. ‘They know it’s important for women‘ – Dr. Toma
- Where do you work? – The percentage people lie about this topic is not far away one from the other – 32% of women lie about this one, compared to 42% of men
- What kind of lifestyle do you live? – Many lie about this aspect too. Either that they say they love traveling and they actually do not, or that they confess being somewhere they have never been to before, it is common to post something similar in your online description.
- Do you have any hobbies? – Even hobbies are a topic where people want to impress. Why is that? Because curiosity makes the difference.
- Do you personally know any celebrities? – 3,3% of those interviewed confessed their inaccuracies – they are not friends with the public figures they have claimed they knew. Once again the interest should be sustained by proofs!
- How do you look like? – It all counts, but studies show that appearance sometimes is vital; first impression always counts. Therefore, there should be no surprise that so many of us know how to use photo editing programs.
All in all, it is clear that dating means different things to each and one of us, it mainly depends on whom you ask. As you could have seen there are great differences between the past and the present dating, both with pros and cons.
Dating online has its own risks; however, lying in the virtual world can also be spotted with a bit of luck and attention!