A hot interview with a Stirling escort!
Take your time and read some real stuff about the life as an independent escort with today’s call girl – Ivy! Even though, she is a newbie in this industry, she has a lot to tell, and for sure you…
…will be captivated. Here is the interview she has given to us, so enjoy!
This is one of her favorite quotes about life, and it says everything!
‘Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. (Dr. Seuss)

Source: Sexy call girl
Q: Briefly describe yourself
I would describe myself as someone who is always willing to become better and better and to improve her lifestyle. I am that particular woman with a lot of future plans and high expectations to succeed.
I am a newbie in what concerns escort services, but this does not make me reluctant or hesitant to new challenges. On the contrary, I am very open-minded and with a lot of desires to try new things. I want to broaden my horizons and to learn new things about the world we are living in, but also about my body.
Q: Give us an example of something you don’t accept during a date
Well, I was advised and I tend to respect this no matter what, the fact that I don’t accept intimate relations without using a condom. It is one of those strict rules that I don’t want to break. Otherwise, I am open to whatever my clients want to experiment! I am that hot girl everyone would like to meet and conquer. Well, guess what, with me you have that chance!
Q: What are the pros and cons of incall services?
I’m glad that you are aware that in every job there are pros but as well cons. And this profession is not far away from this too. In what concerns the pros of incall services I would say that you can feel safer and more confident because you are in the environment you are accustomed to. From another point of view, the cons of incall are the fact that you need to pay a little bit more attention to your neighbors; you need to be discreet and try not to disturb them. You know, that your neighbors can become a real pain in the ass.
Q: What tip would you give to a newbie?
Ha-ha, I’m a newbie too… But, I can tell them something I’ve learned recently on my own skin. Please newbies, don’t accept checks! This is totally wrong. Someone paid me with a check that turned out to be fake. So, in short, I’ve worked for nothing. Don’t make the same error!
Q: What do people know about your everyday job?
Of course, they don’t know the truth, because I am afraid of discrimination. They know that I am an image consultant and that I cannot give them more information related to my profession. I try to make them understand I cannot give any details because I work with public figures. This is mainly my reason, however, they sometimes become suspicious…

Source: Pleasure lady
Q: Why do you think you are perfect for this job?
The main reason is because I don’t have any strings attached, in other words I have no personal obligations: no boyfriend, no husband and no children. Moreover, the way I think, I behave and my personality are also very important in this profession. All together makes me the perfect candidate for this job.
Q: How was your life as a newbie?
My life as a newbie is sometimes very difficult. I have been working in this industry for only five months and I am still trying to get accustomed to what and how am I supposed to behave. I try to be aware of every practice and as long as it makes me comfortable I will provide it. I get to know all sorts of people with all sorts of personalities and requirements and this is what destroys monotony. But at the same time this makes things a little bit harder for me: I cannot predict what is going to happen on my date that current day! But, all in all I love my job!
Q: Have you told your family about your job?
No, I haven’t told them anything. They live in another city and they are unaware of my real job. They know, like everyone around me that I am an image consultant. They know what everyone knows about me and nothing more. I think it is better this way, taking into account their traditional way of thinking. I believe they would not accept it and unfortunately I believe they would even feel ashamed. Consequently, why shouldn’t I tell them exactly what they want to hear? Let them be happy, and let me be happy as well. I believe we should all live just the way we want it and not like other persons would want! It would be a useless life, a waste!
Q: When do you plan to retire from this industry?
For the present moment or in the near future, I don’t indent to retire. Honestly, I don’t know when I am going to retire. Probably, when I will feel that this is not the place for me anymore, or when I’ll find a better job, then I would probably retire. Until then I’ll do just the things I love to do, that is to say travelling, meeting new friends and having naughty experiences!
Q: Do you use your real name? Why?
No! I don’t use my real name. Why? This is something an escort with experience thought me. I don’t know why, but I feel safer this way, I don’t think it is so important for my clients to know my real name. For what? This is the safest way, I have a pseudonym and everyone knows me under this name. I believe I can avoid stressful situations in which some of my close acquaintances or my family find out the truth about my job.

Source: Escort in Stirling
Q: Tell us about your best date so far
It happened in an exclusive restaurant in the city center. We had a nice dinner and a good party. For several reasons I consider this as my favorite date: I’ve met my favorite singer, I’ve tried sea food for the first time in my life and I’ve met some important people. Nothing too important for you I believe, but for me it was great! I will certainly remember it for a long time!
Q: Do you have any hobbies?
Well, I like to dance a lot. I believe this is my number one hobby. No matter what my mood is, if I dance it all goes away. I forget all about my problems. I feel happy! Consequently, what makes me happy is precious! You have the chance to lose weight and at the same time have some relaxing moments. I must state: I like to be in the center of attention!
Q: Do you have any personal rules?
I have two major rules in what concerns my job:
- Any date should be confirmed with one day in advance, if not I will not be available!
- If we talk about outcalls, I need exact directions and a recent photo with the client and that location!
Q: Bust an escort myth
All those people who hire an escort are ugly.
I must tell you that my clients have not been ugly so far. So this myth has to come to an end. This is not true: not all our clients are ugly and don’t call us only for sex. Most of the clients I’ve had so far called me to be their companion and this was all!
Q: Tell us your life motto
Live your life just the way you want it, and not as someone would wish!
You have only one life so enjoy it to the fullest! Don’t be afraid to be the person you really are. Only the persons who value the real you should be your friends!