My feet lead me to the streets of this wonderful town in which I live for some time.
I was in the special lights of this city which is so dear to me, in which I wanted to move in from a long time ago and finally I succeeded.
Every night I walk with my dog, Zen, and sometimes with my love who I met him there, in an unexpected circumstance. My hands were around the Zen’s leash, I was walking by the streets of the park , letting the joy of that September evening to enter in my soul.
My blue coat was sufficiently bulk to cover my whole body, and my boots were hearing on the asphalt which was full of leaves which fell from the trees that were getting ready for the winter. The city seemed to me like heave: mountain and sea, crammed and paved alleys, everything was having an old aura,but also modern and medieval. I guess that in other life I was a lady who lived in a medieval city.

I am attracted to those kind of places and there I was feeling the best. There I met Patrick, my soul mate. My PR job that I was practicing it with love brought me next to his soul. He was the sexy and loving man who was accepting me for who I was: the mean woman sometimes, the messy woman, but the woman who loves from all her heart. Our love story began in the place where I found my silence. Real love it is not a story. It is not something that we dream since we are small, something that we read in the fairytales, real love is the one that we live with the one who will accept into our lives with good and bad. I love him unconditionally and I feel the same from him.
I took a seat on a bench with Zen by my side, lighting up a cigarette from which I was smoking as if it was the last one. I missed to smoke. I do that from time to time, it is not an addiction. At some point I heard some footsteps, it was Patrick. I know his silhouette even in the darkest places, I know the sound of his footsteps , his walking. Sometimes I think about what if I would have missed the meeting with him there, would we have met in other part of the world? Why it is said : “if it’s meant to be, will be”? Maybe I would have met him anywhere, the sexy man, who was keeping me with my feet on the ground, who helped me mobilize and to start over there. I felt his perfume even he was far from me, I got up and I ran to him, Zen was happy too. I jumped in his arms, I put my hands around his neck and I kissed him with passion. I wanted to feel his lips, their taste, the taste of his mouth, his soft tongue, to explore each part of it, to play with his ear, to caress his hair. He held me in his arms for a few seconds and twirled me in the air and he answered my kisses.
– I missed you so much! This separation seemed to me like an eternity. We stayed away from each other for a weekend and I felt that something broke in me. My love for you makes me incapable to stay away from you. I want to feel the cold September rain through my hair, to walk with you and hold hands, to enjoy together Zen and to tell each other lovely words.
I was thinking about the moment when we were getting home. I missed him and I wanted him badly, I wanted to make love with him, to feel him inside me, to reach the climax. I was walking by his side and I was thinking about how good was in bed, how I was going to undress me and how he was going to touch me.
– How was your day, today we didn’t talk over the phone?
I was somewhere else with my mind, at love and wild sex.
– I asked you something my love, are you here, you seem absent.
– Excuse me? I smiled and I told him that I was thinking about sex, that I wanted him in that very moment.
He smiled back and he told me that he wants me too. We went to the car and we left to our home, in a stunning area, near the sea shore. The road home is alongside a coast, with a beautiful view. He drove and I was watching the moon who was mirroring itself in the sea. I took his hand and I played with his fingers, then I put his hand between my legs, I was feeling his penis getting hard. I wanted to open his pants and touch it while he was driving, I was that impatient. He smiled at me and opened his legs but careful at the road. I put two fingers in his mouth to wet them and I started what I began. I felt that he couldn’t resist more and he stopped me from doing more.
– Be a little more patient, honey! I feel that I couldn’t control more and I will ask you to have sex with me in the car, but we are not alone.
Zen was sleeping on the bench in the back but we would have awaken him if we were going to so something. I kissed him and I closed his pants, looking forward to arrive home, to eat him up. When we parked I ran to the entrance of the house, I took off my coat and I ran in the bathroom to prepare a hot bath, to drink a bottle of wine and to make love. I took him next to me and I started to undress him like he was a child: I took off his shirt, pants, his socks, his intimate lingerie and I took his penis in my hands, playing with it, then I put on my knees to look at it better. He took my head and raised me up, taking my waist into his hands and he touched my breasts which were exploding from desire. I wanted him with all my being, I wanted to feel his body close with mine. We entered in the hot water, I did my hair in a bun and we relaxed. I got closer to him and I searched his penis which was very hard and I started to rub it until I felt that he couldn’t control anymore. The he raised up and got me up too, he put one leg of mine on the side of the bathtub, penetrating me deep inside and moving fast inside me, holding my breasts. My ass was spanked sometimes from his manly hands, I was summoned but I liked that. Then he pulled my hair, telling me that he wanted me to scream with pleasure. I did that and I felt him cum inside me, he was trembling and he couldn’t control anymore, we both reached a big pleasure like every time. He was trying to control his breathing, it was fast. We stayed I the hot tub for a while , drinking the wine, rubbing each others feet, until we were dizzy. I missed his penis, I was relaxed after what he offered me. We got out after that, tired and we fell asleep, holding each other.
In the morning I opened my eyes and I saw the sunshine. It was a Sunday morning in which we were going to be lazy and love each other, because I felt his strong penis in the morning. It was pushing me in my naked ass, as if he wanted to explore what he couldn’t a night before that. Patrick was sleeping and I thought to go down with my mouth on his body under the sheet. I took it in my mouth and I started to wet it, licking it on its head , then I took it in my hand again. I felt him that he woke up and he was pushing my head a sign that he was loving what I was doing. I continued for a few minutes then I put on him, awakening him , he had to deal me, to make me fee good. I felt his penis deep inside, he was satisfying me with slow moves, especially for the morning. I was loving that, I was loving to feel him ,to see his figure after he just woke up, but with desire to make me me feel good. We both moved slowly until we both cum. He pushed me on the soft pillow, and I kissed his naked shoulder, spoiling myself at his chest.
– Come here, you naughty cat! I love you with all my heart, I adore you, I would like to have you anytime, to be inside you, to kiss your body, your lips and to feel you.
The waves were breaking on the dikes, I got up and I opened the window to feel the cold breeze, to fresh up our hot bodies. I put a robe and I went to make him breakfast , to drink together the coffee after sex, its flavor and our love’s flavor too.