So there I was, sitting at the office,
doing my tasks and having usual conversations with my coleagues, until he texted me and also sent a picture of him in his bed.

I thought he was sweet and cute, but also had a few flash images of his fresh morning boner that I couldn’t hold myself without asking for a dick pic, which he refused to send.
I felt rejected, but also had an urge to get what I wanted so I sent him back a sexy pic of me, shortless, but having a long t-shirt covering my female parts, just to tease. He was excited about that. In no time, he asked for more pictures so I made him a deal that I would continue sending him sexy material in the exchange of his sexy material. He agreed.
He started talking about his fantasies, about me having a black lace lingerie with suspenders matching the lingerie, looking at me from the bottom as I was opening my long legs and grabbing his neck with them. In that moment all I could imagine was my clitoris being eaten by this guy, who also had a long tongue and a big passion for sucking the pussy out of women. At least that’s what he was bragging about. It felt exciting having that tingle with people around me, not knowing what was exactly inside my mind.
We set up a date in a hotel, but we couldn’t meet up that night. We continued our conversation, until he sent me a picture of him naked, but covering his male parts. Gosh, I was so curious! I never seen this guy in real time, neither fully naked. Though we where chatting for months, maybe a year!! We never met because of our jobs, we just couldn’t sync. What I felt with him was more than a physical attraction, was more of a sapio attraction and I felt that I have to get dominated by a sharp guy who can match my standards and please me as I deserved!
„I wanna dominate you!”
„See this finger?”
„What’s about it?”
„I can make you climax in a minute.”
„Well I dare you do that. When?”
„Are 20 minutes enough for you to get ready?”
Wow! I was happy and nervous. I didn’t know what to expect from this guy I never met and the idea was pretty exciting as well. All I could think was if we are going to have a good time or not, if he was going to communicate with me about whatever he pleased. After all, communication is very important to get to know people, to get to know yourself so you can tell if you tolerate different ideas and behaviours.
When he arrived, it was impossible not to notice the soft fresh perfume he was wearing, the office look he had, his baritone voice range who was pretty sexy, he was really hot! I wore an office molded leather black skirt, a semi-transparent office shirt and heeels! He had prepared a sexy playlist to play in his car ’cause I told him some type of music turns me on and he actually did his homework.
After we got at the restaurant, every little thing we were looking at or eat, had a sexual meaning which caused us to laugh so hard. Speaking about hard, I took off one shoe and I rubbed his crotch with my foot, under the table. Of course he had an errection, but he was playing the unapproachable type of guy. I’ve seen a sparkle in his eyes though and I knew what he was thinking so I proposed to leave the place so we could get to know eachother well. He said yes.
After we finished our dinner, we went to the car and we began teasing eachother. He touched my intimate parts through my clothes, I held his dick so hard that I thought for a second his pants will explode because of the blood pressure he had in it. He parked the car near a lake and I jumped on him and I kissed him with passion, moment when he put his hands under my shirt and began massaging my breasts. I was getting wet and the noise of his breath was turning me on even more. I guess he was getting wet too in that moment. We even had audience and it was funny as hell. There were a few cars parked where we were and the people were starring at us, but we didn’t care, we didn’t know anybody. So we kept doing what we were before we even noticed there are other human beings around us.
„Let’s go somewhere else.” I said
„Where do you please? Should I call a hotel and see where can we spend the night?”
„I was thinking about changing the plan. I want somewhere outdoor, somewhere we can feel free to do whatever we want.”
„Such as fucking and screaming?”
„Oh, hell yeah!”
We went to the beach and we were lucky he had in his car some blankets, champagne, even glasses! The moon was bright, we could’ve seen all the stars shining upon us and there was enough light for us to see eachother and whatever we were planning to do. He poured me some champagne and we even had a toast in the name of orgasms. He began pouring some of it on my nipples and began licking and sucking it. It was pretty hot! I began licking his neck, his ear and I whispered..
„I would like to suck your cock! Righ now!”
„What stops you?” he said
„Well, your belt.”
„No problem.”
So I grabbed his balls and played a little with them.
„What do you want to do next?” he asked.
„I don’t know, play?”
„Play with what?”
„With your imagination.”
In that moment I began undressing until I had nothing left but my undies and heels. He took one leg and began taking off my shoes, slowly kissing my legs, touching them, then he began touching and grabbing my ass. I went to the seashore, began dancing like crazy with the glass of champagne and he was looking at me, laughing until he joined me.
„Nah. You can’t dance like this.” I said.
„Like what?”
„Well, you know. Dressed? Take your clothes off!”
„Undress me, I’m a little clumsy.”he smiled.
„You ain’t clumsy, I’ve seen what you can do with your hands”
„Were you impressed?”
„It doesn’t matter, you need to do more than that to impress me.”I giggled.
He looked at me for a moment, smiling, after that he began undressing. We began hugging, cuddling, kissing until I’ve seen myself on the seashore with him on top of me. He began kissing my entire body, from my neck, to nipples, to belly,until the magic began!
He sure had a big, strong tongue! And he wasn’t kidding about that 1 minute climax! All the kissing was perfect! He was very concentrated there, trying to offer me that experience I told him that I was craving for. I have missed that type of attention and I wished it could last forever. I felt I should try to please him because I was really horny and I wanted to have a big hell of a time with this sexy guy. I took over the control. It felt so relieving! I guess nature had a little influence on me, making me feel wild and free.
He began moaning which made me really happy that I was doing the right thing for this guy. After a few minutes, we switched places and he got on top of me. Finally! The most expected moment of the night has come! And he was very gentle and I felt that he was emanating pure sexuality through every pore he had on his entire body. Hmmm, body..I loved holding his strong arms and feeling his slow breath which instantly gave me goosebumps.
Never felt that chemistry with anybody before and the way we have resonate got me a little confused, because I felt like I knew him since ever and every part of his body inspired me trust and sexuality.