Chapter 5 – Back to old sex habits
My husband is loco, I tell you girl! He wants sex almost every night.
Mine too. What are they, nymphomaniacs or something?
I heard this piece of conversation unintentionally, before getting off a bus. Two fat mature ladies with a funny Spanish accent were complaining loudly about their husbands who apparently wanted ‘too much sex’.
It amuses me when people use the word ‘nymphomaniac’ without knowing its real meaning. If their husbands had been ‘nymphos’, or more correctly called satyromaniacs, the proper male equivalent for nymphomaniac, they would have asked for sex every single night, every single day and every single minute, and not even this would have been enough. They would have even forced them just to have sex, beaten them up and probably cheated on them on every occasion, because of the strong need of constantly changing the partners. But people use these terms without knowing what nymphomaniacs or satyromaniacs really are.

Nymphomaniacs are turned on by everything: boss’s smelly sweat, a fancy moustache, or a porcupine in heat. The only people they would not have sex with are their families. Although, sometimes not even they are excluded. If normal people wake up in the middle of the night for a glass of water, nymphomaniacs and satyromaniacs wake up because they feel so aroused that they could use even a bottle as a dildo. Talking about this, it can be really painful!
I am a real nymphomaniac. My life is sometimes dangerous, sometimes funny, but never boring. Every day without sex is a living nightmare. The only moments when I feel completely fulfilled are during sex. While the other girls pray not to be dumped after having sex and to meet a guy with serious intentions, I pray the guys won’t fall in love with me after it. All I want is to meet as many guys who look for the same thing as I do: commitment-free sex. This should be easy, since nowadays, more and more girls claim boys are only after one thing. But here’s my question. Where are all these boys, when you really need one?!
As my boss’s wife kicked me out of the company, I had to start searching for another job fast or else, sex wouldn’t be my only problem. I search for the jobs advertised on the internet, in magazines and local newspaper but nothing appeals to me.
Hello? Hi, I called for the manager assistant job.
Yes. Have you worked as a manager assistant before?
No. I have been a secretary for the last two months, but I know these two jobs have similar functions.
Ok. Can you come today for an interview, at 5 o’clock, at the address mentioned in the advertisement?
Sure! Thank you. Good bye!
Oh God, oh God! I am so excited that I almost cum! I have to get ready for the interview, so I take my loyal lover out of the drawer, and let him pleasure me, as only he knows. I lay in bed, with my eyes closed and let the dildo do his job. I massage my clit in circles and easily stick the dildo boy into my vagina. Did I tell you I named him Robert?
Oh, it feels so great to have something inside of me! I control my dildo with the right hand, and the left hand I use it to touch my boobs. If only I had more hands… I play with myself for half an hour, until my pussy gets a little satisfaction, then I take a shower and prepare for the interview.
I am in front of M** Company, where the interview will take place. A nice girl welcomes me in and sells me some good tips about the job, while guiding me to the manager’s office for the interview.
Good afternoon, miss!
Good…afternoon, sir!

Fuck me! Are all businessmen supposed to be so outstanding, or it’s just my nympho perverted mind which makes them look greater than in reality? Either way, I couldn’t fail to notice his green eyes, and his freshly-shaved face. He looks at least ten years older than me, which makes me think he has a large sexual glossary and knows what to do to a woman in bed. I give him my resume and sit on a chair, with my legs crossed.
So, your name is Joanna right?
Paul, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
He takes a short look on my resume, gets up and starts searching for I don’t know what, in the bookcase behind him.
So, why did you quit your last job, Joanna?
Damn, he has a great ass!
Mm…I was the first in my class! That’s what I said…
Gosh, I was thinking aloud again!
I was asking you why you quitted your last job.
Sorry, I must have misheard you! Well, I quitted the last job because of the poor working conditions.
Of course I ain’t gonna tell him that I fucked my ex-boss and his wife almost strangled me to death when she caught us in the office!
So, the poor working conditions consequently led to a poor performance and the lack of professional motivation. This is the main reason why I quitted.
I see. It’s a good thing that you are ambitious and you want more, in life. This will lead you to success.
I believe so, Sir.
I try to remain focused on the conversation but his eyes are so green and seductive that they make me lose my mind. He has full lips, which reflect a high sensuality, and makes me believe he is a great kisser. My sexual desires increase as he looks in my eyes and smiles wryly, as if he would like to do something really naughty to me.

Nice and calm little girl, if you don’t want to starve for the next months!
So, what do you say, sir? Am I the right person for this job? I ask smiling.
It depends. You still have to answer some questions. Do you think you can handle recruiting new staff, training team member and doing anything else related to the role of an assistant manager?
Sure, I can!
Good. You will also have to bring me coffee every morning and discuss with me about any problem that may arise in the company.
Even better, I reply fast, thinking that I will be able to see him every day.
The salary was mentioned in the advertisement. Do you have further questions?
No, Sir. I would really like this job.
Good. You are officially hired, Joanna! We will start tomorrow at 8 o’clock.
Thank you, Sir. You won’t be disappointed.
Hooray! I have a new job. There is no time for celebrating the victory and going out with friends, because I have to get ready for my first day of work. First, I read some useful information about my job, take a shower and take out of the closet an appropriate outfit for the next day.
It’s 7:20 AM and I am almost ready to get out of the house. My appropriate outfit did not prove to be so appropriated after all. I could not help wearing my scandal outfit, which always draws attention anywhere I go. I wear a tight white blouse, which fully advertises my cleavage, a tiny black skirt, a beautiful necklace and, of course, heels. Underneath, I wear only a white bra and no panties. It’s hot here, you know?
Good morning, Sir! What a beautiful day, isn’t it?
The boss almost rubs his eyes. He looks shocked by my outfit and he is not to be blamed! I sure know how to draw attention on me when I like someone.
It sure is a beautiful morning, Joanna, he replies smiling understandingly, after looking at me from head to toe.

I take a chair and sit in front of him, with my legs crosses, holding the agenda and a pen in my hands.
So, should we begin? I ask.
Oh, you are such a hard worker! He says teasing me. I was thinking you should enjoy a relaxing first day of work. I don’t want you to leave after the first month, he says moving his chair closer to me.
Mm, I use to work to stop thinking about something else.
Something else like what?
We both maintain eye contact for a couple of seconds. His look falls down on my cleavage. As he makes the first professional mistake, I preserve the right to follow him and gaze at his cock. I run my fingers through my hair and bite my lips.
Anything, which could distract my attention, I answer still looking at his cock showing through his pants.
Since we’re seated directly in front of each other, something sensual crosses my mind. I remember the interrogation scene from ‘Basic Instinct’, when Sharon Stone makes the most sensual leg cross move. As funny and crazy as I might seem, I remember that I wear no panties and I start recreating this scene! I slowly move my right crossed leg while still maintaining eye contact, giving him a good view on my precious. Then I cross my left one over the right and bite my lips.
You sure know how to distract someone’s attention, he says aroused, while his cock betrays him and start rising like a kite.
No words are necessary to describe the sexual tension, which has been created in the office. Our flirting session is interrupted by a girl.

Good morning, Sir. I wanted to ask you if we send those reports today, since it is almost…
Not now Lena! I have some important things to explain to Joanna, and I don’t want to be disturbed for the next two hours. Is that understood?
Oops! This does not smell good. What am I talking about?! It smells like sex, and getting laid always smells fuckin‘ good.
So, what are the important things you were explaining to me, Sir?
As practice is more important than theory, I’ll have to show you a couple of things. He says coming even closer to me.
His words and his attitude makes me so horny that I forget about how important this job is for me, and I let the nymphomaniac come out of me again. I get up of the chair and seat on his lap, with my legs wide spread.
You did not write in your resume, in defects section, that you’re not a rule follower.
Oops! My bad.
He puts his head between my tities and slowly unbuttons each button with great care and sensuality. Meanwhile, I lift up my skirt and slowly unzip his pants.
I can’t believe you‘re not wearing anything underneath, he says aroused.
Shht…I whisper, placing my pointing finger on his sensual lips.
While I struggle to take his cock out of the pants, he takes off both my blouse and my bra. I seat completely naked on his lap, wearing only my heels and my skirt lifted up around my waist. As soon as I take out his cock, I withdraw, leaving my pussy do her job. As soon as she feels the smell of cock, she seats on him and dominates him like a tigress.
Feeling his cock penetrating me slowly makes my skin get bumpy. He takes me by the waist and moves me upward and downward his cock, while I lean back and enjoy the perfect moment. The slow moves are followed by harder and faster moves, as our sexual desire increases.
I need you…he moans.

My boss takes me in his arms and puts me on the ground, while kissing my harden boobs. My body burns with pleasure. Between all my sex experiences, the ones with my bosses seem to be the most intense ones. We roll on the floor a couple of times while kissing, then I sit on top of him and look at him straight in the eyes, while riding his pony. We both try to control our moans, so the others can’t hear us. This sex position allows me to control the entire intercourse. I try delaying my orgasm so I can reach a more intense one, when I suddenly remember a little detail.
You’re not married, are you?
What? No, I’m single, why?
Just asking.
Once I find out that nobody is going to disturb us (in case he was not lying to me), I leave his body have mine and let my emotions show. My boss seems to turn from a nice submissive into the perfect dominator, as he rolls one more time and sits on top of me, keeping my legs on his shoulders. I have the most intense sensations when I feel him so aroused, penetrating me slowly and maintaining visual contact. His medium large cock moving inside and outside of me is shadowed for a second by his seductive green eyes, which almost tell me how much they like to fuck me! I try to think about how beautiful my life would be with such sex experiences, but my neurons are slowing down on a state of complete arousal.
Oh my God…Don’t stop!
Seeing me so turned on, he takes his penis out of my vagina and stops for a second.
What are you doing?? I ask him angrily.
Sorry, we were about to cum at the same time.
That’s ok, I use birth control pills so you can cum!
Would you like me to cum inside of you? he asks, sticking his cock inside of me again.
Yes, I want…Shoot me with your sperm! I want to feel it inside of me…I moan loud, while he fucks me faster and faster.
Oh, Joanna….
We both cum at the same time.The pleasure is so intense that I almost feel his sperm meeting mines, moving and dancing inside of me! I bite my lower lip from pleasure, while he lays over me and pulls my hair. He keeps on penetrating me up to exhaustion. Every drop of orgasm is a second in Heaven; this is why we enjoy every single moment of physical contact.
When everything ends, we both lay on the back, looking at the ceiling with a dumb look on the face. I turn my head to him and say:
You said you were not going to put me to work today.
It would be a regrettable waste for such a hard worker as you are.
We lay on the floor for a couple of minutes more, and then clean ourselves using my wet napkins that I always carry in my purse (you know, just in case).
I am exhausted and famished. What do you say about having breakfast with me? He invites me romantically, holding my hand.
As long as you don’t fall in love with me, we have a deal!
He laughs hard, thinking that I’m joking.
No, I mean it! I say soberly.
Deal. Now let’s go, sweetie.
Huh, being a nymphomaniac is so hard sometimes, isn’t it?