It was a Christmas party at my company where I am working for almost two years.
We have a great team and every time when there is an important event, holiday, etc, we organize parties to enjoy ourselves , because we deserve it, we are very hardworking and from time to time we need to relax our minds and souls with some alcohol and nice atmosphere. That night, the party ended at twelve o’clock at night, and me and a couple of colleagues, didn’t have the mood to go home so we decided to go dancing at some night club in town.
When we were almost ready to leave, we stepped outside the building and I realized that I forgot my purse, it never happens to me to forget things, I am always careful, but that night was destiny I guess. So I told my friends and I returned to the front door when the guardian told me:
– Hey, miss, we closed!
– But I forgot my purse, I work here, I was at this party and I left in a hurry!
– It’s a good reason, but… no! Nobody goes in, nobody goes out!
– Look, I show you my badge! Oh, shit…it is in my bag! What a bummer!
I starred at the big guy, helpless. He wasn’t going to make things easy for me. He was clearly trained not to give in, even if under torture. As I was thinking what to do…

– Diana, hello! Is there a problem?
– Oh, Mr. Leviels, the man that I need right now!
Mr. Leviels is a charming man. He’s highly placed in the firm but it doesn’t stop him from being human and understanding. He is my manager’s boss which means he’s my boss too. But I feel comfortable with him. He showed the security guard a sign and he stepped aside without arguing. I thanked Mark, my boss and I stepped inside where nobody was around, the elevator was empty, it was a strange sensation as if something was going to happen, something unexpected. As I was waiting in the elevator to arrive at the proper floor, I was playing a game on my mobile phone where a girl was having an affair with her boss. I giggled at the idea that maybe it will happen to me also. I had to admit that I have always asked myself what was behind of those little emerald eyes of Mark. Suddenly the elevator stopped and a guy entered . I thought nobody was in the building anymore. He was seeming young, I didn’t want to look at him not to look weird. He was wearing a subtle perfume, he was dressed in an elegant suit and his hands were strong and soft. My mind was horny so I imagined myself making out with him in the elevator so I dared to look at him. As I was rising my eyes the elevator stops suddenly and is plunged into total darkness. The only light was coming from my telephone. But guess what? My battery ran out so we were both in total dark. After I panicked a little bit I told myself that it was pretty exciting being locked up in an elevator with a complete stranger. My hear accelerated and I felt the temperature rising. I wanted to say something to him but before I can start my sentence I heard a rustle and I felt a large hand around my waist and a delightful shiver ran through my spine. For some reason I felt almost hypnotised and I welcomed his touch as if I would have been waiting for it my whole life. I felt his warm breath. My heart was about to explode and I wanted his mouth all over me. I was asking myself: are you insane, what’s wrong with you? But the smell of his perfume, masculine and subtle, seized me entirely and I lost all sense of will. His hand suddenly touched the curve of my hips and his firm torso pressed against my breasts blocking me against the elevator’s wall. He also placed and arm next to my face to better control the situation. I wasn’t thinking straight anymore. My legs started to wobble as I felt his hand go slowly down my spine right up to the bottom of my back. He put his lips with such sensual slowness on the delicate skin of my neck . His touch was intoxicating, almost unreal… he suddenly kissed me full on the lips as if he was going to eat me up. I held my breath and my lips opened slightly letting his tongue slip avidly inside. I tried to make him stop, but he grabbed the back of my neck pushing me to kiss him again. His kiss was so demanding that it made my head spin. I let myself go without giving a shit anymore. I slipped my hands around his sculpted waist , then I slid it back up along his jacket, untying the button. I heard the rustle of the fabric as it hit the floor. As my hands were caressing his chest and pulling his shirt, I heard him stifle an arousing groan.. in turn he touched the skin under my skirt. You could only hear a mix of impatient groans and muffled breathing. My conscience was telling me to stop, I was not that type of girl. But evidently, my brain broke down at the same time as that elevator. Suddenly the elevator starts running again and or the lights are on. It was impossible for me still to see my partners face because he was holding me firmly up against him in such a way that I couldn’t see his face. I tried but I couldn’t see much, I was under a spell because of his perfume and skin. He whispered to me:
– You will step out at this floor and this will be our little secret!
I wanted to say him something , he wasn’t having the right to do that , to play with me like a cat with a mouse. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was smiling. I stepped out of the elevator, trying to realize if it was only the fruit of my imagination what happened there , or it was for real. I have never done that before. I came very close to being half naked in a total stranger’s arms. I took my bag and I returned to my friends, Lisa was having her arms folded across her chest and Matt was talking on the phone. She saw me and she hailed for a taxi.
– You took your time! Did you have a sexual affair with a stranger in the elevator?
I was shocked…Lisa and her dirty mind! Although she was right this time, even if I didn’t have a clue who was that stranger. That guy seemed to have come right out one of those novels where the girl reaches ecstasy with just a single caress or an arousing word. I didn’t really see myself explaining to them that I just lived a really steamy moment in the company’s elevator and that I was within an inch of having it away with a stranger. His manly smell and his firm muscles make it obvious . I imagine him young, handsome, with strong features and a body to die for. But I have to get used with the idea that he might not see him again to find out who is he, or at least to continue what we started, I admit that I am a little bit disappointed.
To be continued…