LGBT – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual community enjoy same rights as heterosexuals
In the last 5 years, the distinct groups from the gay community in Scotland (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual/transgender) gained more rights and a freer lifestyle.
A couple of years ago, gay people were afraid of confessing their true sexual orientation because of the fear of social isolation, judgment and hate. Nowadays, Scottish gay people not only that they do not hide their sexual orientation anymore but they enjoy same rights as heterosexuals.
The status of gay community evolved dramatically over the years. If in the 20th century same-sex activities were punishable to death (these activities did not result in procreation and were considered sinful), nowadays they are tolerated and even encouraged. This was possible due to many informing campaigns which succeeded in changing people’s mentality on gay culture.

Here are some major changes related to the rights for LGBT in Scotland:
• Same-sex marriages are legally recognized and secular marriages were introduced. One of the main reasons why this law was implemented is that all people who are in love should be allowed to publicly celebrate their union.
• Gay people can also adopt children. This law was implemented in 2009 and it is probably one of the most dramatic changes related to the rights for LGBT.
• Homosexuality is being taught in public schools. Although this action previously had many opponents, in the end people conformed to the idea of teaching homosexuality in schools. This does not encourage children to become homosexuals but only help them understand homosexuality and accepting gay people.

• Anti-gay chants at different events are nowadays banned.
UK is one of the countries with the highest degree of liberty for the gay communities. This is one of the reasons why many gays around the globe choose to settle in Scotland, a place where people are more tolerant and permissive with them.