Category: Erotic Stories

My stranger

6th March, 2019 - Posted by Mara Kunich in Erotic Stories, Short sex stories

A warm day, a lazy morning between the clean and perfumed sheets, with sleepy eyes, still dreaming about the last night dream

I decided to get off bed around ten o’clock and to go to the beach. I took a seat at my terrace listening to Tracy Chapman and Goran Bregovic, one of my favourites. Read full article

The last love night

22nd February, 2019 - Posted by Mara Kunich in Erotic Stories, Short sex stories

College time- the most pleasant period of time, sensational and full suspense of each person who experienced it in life.

Beside the lost nights with books in our hands, but also sleepless nights because of the many adventures, included are also the love affairs whose imprint remain alive for the rest of our lives. Read full article