It was a Friday evening when I got home back from work and I began cooking something, later I started to clean up the whole place ‘cause it looked like a battlefield and imagine that I am living alone.
I know it’s not a good thing to do, but while I am eating, I have the phone on the table, near the cutlery and I read whatever is possible to read and easy to digest, such as the food.

So I was checking my Instagram and this guy texted me; an artist that I know for a few years, always have been a fan of his and I always have appreciated his work. I saw a painting he finished a few hours ago that day and I loved the theme, it was about a little girl with a puppy trying to find her path in to some creepy forest, a scenario similar to Little Red Ridding Hood. So I have appreciated that post and he texted me asking how was I doing ‘cause it has been awhile since we talked the last time and he couldn’t keep track with me, because I’m not such a good social network user; I don’t really like to expose myself that much. People don’t need to know everything at all.
So I was curious where did he got the idea, if he was inspired from the famous Little Red Ridding Hood story or anyone. He said he woke up that day with that image, of a little girl who thought it might be the sensitive side of him holding a puppy who means a friend such as the passion embraces. So awesome.
After I finished my dinner, I prepared myself the tub, left the water to pour and throwed some bubble in there and voila. Had the perfect tub all for myself. Because I like getting spoiled, I got some candles, because I love the obscure light, got myself a red wine, because it’s good for blood pressure and it’s indicated to have it before bedtime, maximum one glass, of course, as it’s indicated by doctors. I turned my favorite playlist on and I began to sing and dance a little and bath. I don’t know you guys, but I like taking my time with this kind of moments when it’s about my free time and involves relaxation or meditation and happiness. Usually I like to eat some truffles, but that’s the full package of spoiling and sometimes I just don’t feel like eating sweets. Besides, it’s not even that healthier.
I enjoy my bathing moments, that’s the reason why I even prepare the bathroom like that. I love the coziness feeling that you find whenever you get back home from an exhausting work day. I often touch myself too, you know. The whole rubbing with shower cream thing makes me hot a little and being all wet is making me even more opened to that. Sometimes I please myself on the rhythm of the playlist I said before, but sometimes I just don’t care of anything but my clitoris and I am too focused on the tingling part. I enjoy going in and out, using one finger, but usually when I try to reach climax I only leave a half of tub full because I have to let the vagina breath a little. I hate to have water covering it and it’s way more hotter using a shower cream and otherwise I wouldn’t feel it if I would leave the tub full of water. So my struggle keeps going while I try to climax. During these moments I remember some of my vacations in Miami, Hawaii, The Caribbean also Nassau. I have so many beautiful memories back there, a lot of sun, sunscreen, oil and penises. Yeah. Big penises that I sunscreened them ( if that’s really even a word hahaha), pennies that got inside of me, penises that made me cum and guys that prepared me the breakfast or dinner. Or sunscreened me too hahaha. After I reached my climax, I got out of the tub, cleaned it, you know, the usual routine and I got inside of my cosy bed and I started to look after some articles to read before bedtime. I didn’t know what was expecting for me.
I opened my phone and I’ve seen a few messages from the guy I talked with earlier that day and I felt it would be polite of me if I would answer him and see what he’s up to. So I did that and he started to ask me how was I doing, how was at job, asked me about my art how was the progress going, if I’ve read something interesting lately and I told him this and that, he began telling me also stuff about his life, even about his ex that he occasionally used to fuck and I was like ok, it’s cool, but also not cool, but also I have appreciated his honesty and it doesn’t mean too much. I mean, I don’t have feelings for him, just appreciation and respect. I just don’t know when did it happen, but things sort of escalated quickly and he started from complimenting me, my work, then my photos. One thing that bothered me was that he told me he used to date women prettier than me which I thought it is offending, but I made the connection to the fact that he was feeling a little weak because of complimenting me on and on and on and the ego came up and I didn’t compliment his body at all or his work too much and I don’t know, I guess I’m trying to be tolerant and understand other perspectives.
We had that kind of open talk when each one was talking about it’s life experience and he began talking about his sexual experiences and the fact that he used to have a lot of one-night-stands and the fact that he was getting the “meat” from clubs and bars and the fact that he wasn’t using totally his consciousness, but letting his animalic instinct dominate. So he told me each time he felt horny, he had to get laid that night with a woman. He began asking me about my sexual preferences, when was the last time I fucked, I even played with him a little game called “Guess what?”. I told him to assume what kind of person he thinks I can be and he accepted the challenge and began telling me things such as my favorite sexual position when it comes to rough sex it’s doggy style, another thing is that my favorite of all time position is the missionary and one thing, but I can’t remember well what, but I know he didn’t expect otherwise, which it was.
Then, he was curious about my body, like he asked me for a few photos in my swimsuit and I showed him, of course, because he did ask politely and I couldn’t refuse him lol. He loved my body shape, he said that hourglass body shape is the perfect body shape for a female, though every female is beautiful by the way she is and everybody has different taste in matter of everything and there is no such thing as normal, just his normality was resuming to that affirmation. So yeah, got him turned on just because of my photos and he was amazed of me and he kept telling me that he is going to fall involve and even proposed me to marry him, well it was a joke, but he was really there, in a way or other present and I felt awesome, you know. I am awesome lol. He told me was getting hotter and hotter and he had a massive errection and I sent him photos with me in swimsuits.
A few minutes later he texted me and told me that he was jerking off at my photos and asked me where would I love to receive the cum so I told him on my butt because I really enjoy getting cum on them. I find it really sexy having my ass towards the partner, going all way up and being so exposed with the vagina almost in his face and the idea of having his cum dripping from my butt cheeks it’s even getting me hotter now as I am writing. So he came and we both were really shocked how quick things escalated haha.