I remember very well that day because it was the first time when I saw him.
He was wearing a blue stripped T-shirt , he was looking like an elf for me. I couldn’t stop starring at him. He didn’t talk with me for three months and I was so sad because he was in my classroom and he became my room mate’s boyfriend. After three months she presented him to me. That was the first time when I saw him eye to eye and with one single looking at him I changed my impression about him.
I felt a kind man who behaved very nice around me, but he was canny on the inside, but not in a bad way. Although we became friends and we changed phone numbers, it wasn’t enough because he was already taken. I thought that I shouldn’t think about him anymore, that I should think about me first, but my eyes couldn’t stop starring at him. He always inspired me and he encouraged me with small discussions and he enjoyed my presence. I was going out with both of them, Alexandra and him. Often we were talking just the two of us. Sometimes Alexandra wasn’t saying something, sometimes she was telling that she is being ignored, that we spend too much time together. There were days when we went shopping, I was living with Alexandra and he was visiting often our apartment. In the second year of college Alexandra moved out into another apartment with him and he changed his specialty. In the second year I stopped talking with him like before, I thought it was for the best. Every day when I look at him I have a question in my mind: what does he thinks of me, how often does he thinks about me, or about us, if we were together even for just a second? But my mind had always said no, he didn’t think that. I met him a few times in the second year and he was always teasing me. We met once on the hallway of the university and even if we just talked for two minutes I felt like there were the best moments of my life. In the third year I realized that I was definitely in love with him and there were also some magical moments in my life. Our group planned a tour, but none of my friends showed any interest for that trip. I was very interested, especially that we were going to go with the group in which he was . I managed to convince a few colleagues of mine to come, not to be alone. Alexandra was gone at her parents that week, so it was the perfect moment.

Source: etsy.com
In the trip we talked day by day, we even sat next to each other in the bus, we laughed and we talked about different things. Everything was so beautiful! We ate together, we took photos, I forgot that he wasn’t mine. It never happened nothing between us, not even a touch. We were like to best friends, until the moment we got back from the trip and I received a letter from him. It was a love letter in which he confessed his feelings for me. I scared about the things that I read there, I wanted to call him but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t betray my friend, I couldn’t give up for the friendship with him also. I acted like I didn’t read anything . finally I realized that I shouldn’t believe that, that I should write him. I was in love with him, I was feeling very attracted to him and he was attracted to me. We shared the same tastes in movies, trips, hobbies and food. I found out then that he broke up with Alexandra. It was like a fresh air for me that news. Everything was wonderful, I was already making so many plans in my mind, I wanted him to be my lover. I wanted to touch him for the first time, to kiss him and make love to him. I wanted to see him naked and spend time with him. And I wrote him:
– Even though I didn’t answer your letter, it didn’t mean that it was nothing for me, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have feelings for you. I fought enough against my feelings for you. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship with you or Alexandra for a night of sex, maybe. I would like to see you and touch you. If you still want that I wait for you at my place at ten.
I wrote that to him hoping that he will say yes to my invitation. Time was passing hard. At the college I looked for him everywhere , I wanted to see his face but it didn’t happen. I arrived home a little bit disappointed , I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. I listened to the music that we were listening together in the trip. I tried to stay relaxed but I couldn’t think if he will show up. There were only fifteen minutes left and I was hoping that I will hear the doorbell. Outside the wind was blowing, it was nobody on the street. Only the leaves were flying. I made a hot tea and I was looking by the window, listening to the song of the wind. Suddenly I heard my phone ringing. I got scared by the noise, I was focused with my thoughts. It was him, with his sweet, warm voice, which was giving me goosebumps each time. I was hoping that he was going to tell me that he comes at my place but it wasn’t like that. He told me that something was up and he can’t come. We talked a few minutes, nothing about what I wrote , then we ended the discussion. I couldn’t believe it. I was very disappointed. I was lost and I got in bed. As I was staying I heard the doorbell. I got near the door and I saw him with an immense bouquet of flowers. I didn’t know how to react, my heart was racing. I removed the tears from my face and I invited him in. His smile warmed me up instantly. I looked at him with such love. I felt him near me and he was having a sweet and warm breathing. He kissed my neck and put his hands around my waist then he whispered me sweet words:
– I have waited for so long for this moment, to touch you and feel you!
– I wished this also!
I turned around and I watched him a little bit , I looked at his yes, lips. Like butterflies flew around us, like the rainbow on the horizon is cloudy sky, everything was perfect for our love story. Our passionate kisses had become, increasingly more pressing lips under pressure like we hurt them. My hair was loosened from the bun and fell back like a waterfall. He could be heard in the background like a love song and dance like having sex on her background. I wanted to be mine, I wanted to feel him inside me, I know how to make love. The taste of his lips when I felt for the first time will remain imprinted in my mind. I often wonder how happy it makes Alexandra when having sex with her. I was somewhat envious and did not believe that this will also have a twist. We were breathing very fast, then we approached slowly our lips and kissed with passion. Our lips were finally tasting each others flavor. Our hands were feeling each others skin, our noses were smelling each others scent . he took me in his arms and put me on the bed. He undressed and then he undressed me also with hunger. We touched our hands and we felt our skin one to another then he entered inside me very sensual, with slow moves, kissing my mouth, then my neck . his body was heavy on me and I was feeling his penis deep inside, I wanted it always there. I dreamed about that sensation from a long time. Our love consumed all over the night, we were really happy that we were together and we were going to be forever since that September night.