Hello, my name is Laura, I have 25 years old and I am getting married…
so I hope that everyone of you will come to my wedding because I am glad to share with you the joy that I have, first of all because it is any woman’s dream to be a bride, but also because the groom that I have it is the best man ever, the most kind and the most sexy in the whole world! I am very proud and honored to become his wife! I am sure that I will have a beautiful marriage with him, I will be respected and loved, I am his and he is mine, forever and ever, until the end of time! This will definitely be part of my oath at church. You may ask who is he and how did I meet him. Well, it is a very lovely story and I am going to share it with you.
It was spring time, my beautiful part and season of the year. Everything was reborn, the nature was getting green again and I was always in love with the fresh fragrances of the spring flowers, that were blossoming strong after the hard and cold winter. I am a dance teacher for children, I teach them ballet. I have always loved children, and as I finished the Art University and I learned to dance ballet and I was also very good at it, I decided to open a place where to teach children between ten and seventeen years old. It was a beautiful job, it was my passion, I am a lucky person that I do what I love most. In my spare time I was spending time with my friends, I am a very sociable person and I have dear friends and we do a lot of activities together. The only thing that was missing into my life was a boyfriend and…a dog! Yes, it might sound funny and strange but I really wanted a dog, I was always an animal lover but my parents never let me to have a dog in the house. But I moved alone in an apartment near my job, I wanted to become independent and now I had the chance to buy a dog, but the only problem was that I didn’t have the time to look after him, to walk him , especially as he was just a puppy, I wanted a dog to become mine, to know me since he was little. But enough with that…

Source: blog.floweradvisor.com
It was a Friday morning and I had dancing lessons at 14 o’clock that day. So I decided that the morning should be spent with my best friend at a coffee! So we went out to our favorite pub, in the middle of the town. It was a lovely morning, it was warm outside and we decided to stay on the terrace to smoke a cigarette… I wasn’t addicted, but from time to time I like to smoke a cigarette. As we were standing, talking and laughing my friend asked me if it was okay if she leaves me for a few minutes, because she needed to go to the library to return a book and if she wasn’t going to do that quickly she would forget. I agreed and laughed and she left. I lighted up a cigarette and as I was enjoying it and looking at the sunny town, I heard a manly voice and English accent:
– Hello, pardon me miss, are you by any chance Laura? I had to meet here a cousin of mine, Mary, she told me that she will be staying at the middle table with a friend, and I remembered you from a photo on Facebook.
– Yes, I am she and Mary is my friend! It is no problem, take a seat and wait for her here, she is going to come back soon!
I thought that I have seen beautiful guys before , but I was wrong. He was the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. Tall, brown hair and blue eyes and that sexy accent, a jewelry in the world. We chatted, his name was Edward, he was funny and he was an actor , especially for children, like puppets shows, and so on. My friend came back and winked at me, I didn’t understand why, she apologized for the delay and we had a wonderful time, all of the three of us. It was getting late, I had to return home and change and eat something because then I had to work. Edward offered to bring us home, he had a very fancy and elegant car. First we left Mary, I didn’t understand why, because my house was first in the way, but I managed to understand after we arrived in front of my place and he asked me for my phone number, he told me that it might sound soon but he likes me very much and he wants to know me better if I was okay with that. I smiled and I agreed. The days after that were very nice, we went out to see movies at the cinema, we shared some experiences about our work and as time was passing by we were falling in love with each other. It never happened to me before, to get close to someone so quickly. The first time when he kissed me was after five dates, I was becoming to think that he wasn’t feeling the same for me. It was the mot spectacular kiss ever, I felt like in the movies, it was long and soft, I felt loved and spoiled. Let me tell you when we first made love… It happened after almost a month, until that we did different projects together with children, we went out with friends, we were teasing one another, sexually speaking, but he never did something more.
It was a Sunday morning when I was woken up by the doorbell, I was angry and when I stepped outside I saw a box and something was moving in it…I was scared and at the same time curious about what was in the box…I took a deep breath and I looked in it, when I had the most beautiful surprise ever: a dog, a little mops, a white one. I screamed with happiness, I took him in my arms and I read the note that was put at his neck: “ Please take me under your roof, I promise that I will love you forever! P.S. we are going to take care of him both, we don’t work at the same time always, we will manage to keep this little friend!” It was a gift from Edward, obviously. I felt so happy and overwhelmed , I took a shower, I dressed up in my most sexy outfit, I took Benji (the puppy) and I went straight to Edward’s home. He was surprised to see me there, I jumped into his arms and I thanked him in the most special way ever: by making love with him. We had passionate sex, he was very romantic and he enjoyed the prelude… we tried different positions, he was very good at it, he never showed what passion and desire was in him, but he told me after, that he tried to control himself a lot around me, not to give me the impression that he was only wanting that, he was in love with me and he wanted me in his life, not just sex. After we finished, we took a warm bath together, we spoiled each other with lovely words, champagne and strawberries and we played with out little Benji. It was a day to remember.
He asked me to marry him after a year and it was something very special, friends were also involved, and I found out from Mary that she did deliberate to leave that day at the library, that the two of us could be alone for a while, she knew that we were perfect for each other, and if she would have told me to meet him I wouldn’t have done it, she knew my opinion about blind dates. We both smiled at her and we thanked her deeply. Edward changed my life, I am now fully happy and I have everything I need: a future husband, a dog, friends, health and an amazing career, I am truly blessed.