A frank Glasgow escort interview!
Today we present you one of the most glamorous call girls in Glasgow, Jessica! She has offered us some unique answers and some surprising opinions on several controversial topics.
Her honesty and her perseverance might be outstanding for some of you! Therefore, meet Jessica and find out more about what she likes, and what she hates, and you can make a good first impression on her. Have a read and for sure you will remember this interview!

Source: Jessica, Glasgow
Q: Could you tell us something about yourself? What are your hobbies and interests?
Hey! My name is Jessica; I am a 28-year-old Scottish woman! I am born and raised in Glasgow.
I spend my time reading all sorts of magazines; therefore as you might guess I am always up to date with the latest news! So if you want to find out something, you can simply ask me! A friendly chat is always the best solution against boredom or sadness! I am here just for you guys!
I am a very sociable person, ready to meet my clients’ expectations; I also like to party and travel a lot!
Q: Mention three perfect gift ideas.
Hmm, this is not that difficult, because I love everything which starts with – ‘I’ve a gift for you!’ So, you can make me all sorts of gifts! Of course, the most spectacular ones are those that attract me the most!
I love surprises, so a surprise party would be a perfect idea for a gift! I am also fascinated by cars and holidays abroad; so yeah I believe these ones too would be the perfect types of gifts I would love to receive!
Q: What would be the perfect date like?
Hmm, I really do not have an exact scenario in my mind! ‘Surprise me!’ I would say! I do not know, maybe a yacht party or something glamorous and with a lot of style and taste! An exclusive party with Hollywood stars or a ball gown would be some other events I would be more than honored to take part in!
Q: What do you appreciate most about your job?
The fact that I can meet different types of persons. I have the opportunity to have all sorts of relationships that actually facilitate my personal life. As you can imagine I am familiar with persons from all social classes, so any problem I might have, they can help me. I know a special someone whom I can call in the middle of the night and get help from; he is very influential this is all that I can tell you! It is my strong opinion that this is one of the biggest advantages of this job!

Source: Escorts in Glasgow
For me it was not that hard! I have been interested in escorting since I was 15. It appeared the best way I could earn money and have fun at the same time. Earning easy money was my main goal! So, I said why not? My first date went more than natural. I knew what I had to do and how to behave! It was perfect!
Q: How much time do you spend preparing for a date?
Approximately one hour! I have to be careful with all the details – the dress, the make-up, the shoes, everything. You need to look more than beautiful! You need to be ravishing!
I am always very careful with the way I look, and with my body, therefore when I have a date there are not so many things I have to do! I am always ready for some action!
Q: What qualities does someone need to possess in order to become a successful escort?
Well, I would say that most of all she needs to be mentally prepared to make a clear distinction between private and professional life!
I believe that the main qualities should be – beauty, intelligence, charisma and a strong spirit!
Q: What is your daily schedule like? How often do you work per week?
My daily schedule depends on my dates. If I have a date, I usually organize my stuff according to the hour I have to meet my client. But, when I have my day off, I like to do all those common things – sleep till late, eat ice cream, hang out with my friends, cook, shop… Nothing out of the ordinary!
And in what concerns your second question – I do not have an exact answer! It actually depends on my clients and on my personal preferences as well. I normally have a maximum of three dates per week. Why? Because I want it so! I do not want to become a workaholic and I want to enjoy my spare time wisely!

Source: Glasgow escort
Q: Describe the best and the worst call-girl experience.
The best call-girl experience… Hmm, I do not have one in particular! As I’ve told you before, I love my job, so everything I do, I do with pleasure, so that I do not perceive this as a job!
I would say that the best experience was last year on Christmas Eve: I had a date with one of my regular clients and we went to a private party. It was more than spectacular for me!
And in what concerns my worst, fortunately I didn’t have one so far! Few disturbing things, but not something out of the ordinary! I choose my clients very attentively and probably this is why ‘the worst experience’ does not cross my mind.
Q: Do you have a list with regular clients? If yes, do you see them more often than new clients?
In fact, I have some clients that call me often! But, there is no stereotype involved… I mean that there are no pre established rules that they must obey, such as to call me at least once a month, no! They simply call me when they miss me!
Q: Have you ever fallen in love with one of your clients? Have you ever been jealous of your regular clients or felt ‘cheated’? If so, what did you do?
Unfortunately, I’ve made this mistake once! It was a silly mistake that almost cost me a lot! How did it all end? Well, he was married so he had to stop seeing me! It was a difficult punch for me, but I had to get over it! I am a strong woman! I know how to deal with difficulties!
Q: What do you prefer: incall or outcall services?
Both! They both suit me! I really do not have any preferences!
Q: What sort of client do you want to see again?
Those well-groomed! I like to meet people who take care of themselves! That kind of men who put a lot of value on their appearance, and they make efforts for this to happen! I hope this does not sound awkward to you! For me it is normal!
Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In Glasgow! I do not find any reason why I should move away from here! It is the perfect place for me! My family, all my friends and some of my clients live here! So, if I have a perfect life here, why should I change it?