I work as a teacher for children… I learn them how to dance ballet, I graduated the Art University of Theater and Dance.
I like kids since I know myself and I wanted to have my own, but the relationship that I had was a toxic one and we broke up after three years of plans and words in vain. My only passion and joy remained my job, I was having fantastic children in my group and I had that feeling of satisfaction every time I was seeing them learning and doing great.

Source: quingoscooterusers.co.uk
It was winter, the month of January. A new semester began and we received some new children into the ballet group. I grew fond of some pretty little blonde girl, she was looking like an angel. She was smart, charismatic and very talented, she was only seven years old. Each time we were having classes she was bringing me flowers. I have never wanted to have favorites children, but I admit that she caught my heart. One day, it was one hell of a blizzard outside, and we finished the classes earlier and every kid awaited for their parents to come and get them home. I had to stay a little bit more with the little blonde girl, Angela, because her father was being late, he was still at work. It wasn’t a problem for me, we remained the both of us and we had some good , quality time together, we drew some colorful pictures, we danced a little bit more and I read her some stories. When I was spending time with her I was feeling that she was like my own daughter, I was thinking in my mind that their parents must be very proud of her. As we were laughing, reading and stuff, her father came in. He was a very gorgeous man, young like me, blonde haired also and with blue eyes. I was feeling so small compared to him, he had such a posture and attitude.
– Good afternoon, I am John, Angela’s father.
His voice was warm and he smiled so beautiful. Angela jumped into his arms, then we both helped her to dress up, and some strange thing happened, she hugged us both at the same time, and I had this flash back like it happened before, I felt like we were a real family. But I woke up instantly, telling myself that he sure must have a wife. Angela said goodbye and she went to the car and her father remained for a little bit longer and he asked me how was she doing during classes and I told him that she was great. He said that her mother died a year before and he is surprised how strong she is and he is very careful about her. I remained shocked and I said I was sorry and that I will take care of her more because of that. We shook hands and we left, each one on their way. That evening , all I thought about was Angela and her father, John. I was like under a spell or something, it was an incredible feeling. The days passed by and me and Angela became more and more close to one another. After a month her birthday came and I bought her a musical box with a dancing ballerina on the “Swan Lake” melody. She was so excited and she invited me at her house, for dinner, she begged me literally to come , because she and her father will be happy. I accepted because her lovely eyes couldn’t be refused. John came and picked me up from my house, accompanied by Angela. She was wearing a red dress , she was looking like a princess. Her father was also very elegant, he was having a black suit and a red bow tie. I was inspired to wear a fancy dress , and it happened to be also with red motives . We were looking like a family and we laughed and we arrived at their beautiful home. I must say that I didn’t see that coming… the place was huge, it was looking like a real mansion. I am a simple woman from the country and for me it was quite a surprise. The garden looked spectacular and the gates were having a lion an each side. We stepped inside the house and a huge living room , with a big chimney were welcoming us in. We had a very beautiful evening, the dinner was served by some lady, the food was delicious, I was practically living a fairy tale. At some point, John played the piano, he was very good at it, and I realized from where did Angela inherited her talent. We played pantomime, we ate cookies and we drank hot chocolate with marshmallows and we stood by the fireplace. The hour was getting late and I wanted to leave , but John told me to stay more and he was going to bring me home. Angela was sleepy and I offered to tuck her in bed. She said:
– Thank you , teach’ ! I had a very lovely night and I felt like you were my mommy. She hugged me, I kissed her forehead and I was having tears in my eyes. I watched her fall asleep and I went back to her dad.
– I saw you with my daughter, he said! You seem to wish children also.
And from that we began to chat for hours, and as we were talking more , I was beginning to feel more and more attracted to him. At some point he kissed my hand and he told me that I was very beautiful, and he is very attracted to me, he wanted to say me before, but he thought that it was too soon and that night was the perfect moment. I didn’t know how to react , I was acting like I was a teenager in love, and I admitted to him also that I have some feelings, I was afraid to involve because of their situation, and because I was having a bitter taste from my last relationship. He assured me that it was okay and we kissed. I was ashamed and I felt strange that it happened with Angela upstairs, but it was also some excitement and I let go and we kissed with passion, we synchronized so well as if we would have done that before. We danced a little bit by a song that he was singing it to my ear and I told him to take me home and so he did. The next day at school I was feeling so happy, I was smiling and everyone noticed. The only problem was Angela, I wanted her to know from me. So, after classes I told her and she burst into laughing, telling me that she knew that it was going to happen something like that and that she watched us the other night, she was only pretending to sleep. I felt so lame, she was so bright and I laughed also, I felt relieved that she was okay with the idea. That weekend I spent with John at their house, Angela was left to her grandparents. We started with dinner and we finished in the bath tub, with strawberries, champagne and love. He told me that he didn’t feel this passion since his wife died and that he didn’t had any sexual experiences after that, and he might be “rusty”. But it wasn’t like that at all… he was so passionate, virile and he knew how to love a woman. After we took the bath together, he took me in his arms and he put me on the bed, wet from the bath tub. He started to massage me with some delicate oil for the body and he touched my intimate area in a way that made me lose my mind. I was barely controlling myself, I wanted him so bad. After he finished to massage my breasts and telling me how sexy I was, I returned his favor, I gave him oral sex and I massaged his back and his strong penis, being tumid. After that he came on top of me and he put his penis into my craving pussy and he began to move slow and then faster and faster. I had an instant orgasm. We made love until the morning.
A new life began for me, I finally manage to have a family and soon after he proposed to me. I was happy, I was having a great future husband and a beautiful daughter.