Outstanding and genuine sex statistics
SEX. This three letter word arouses different feelings and emotions for each and every of us. Looking back, people have forever been interested in understanding and finding out more …
… and more about what sex is.
Improving the results and having the right knowledge pushed scientists all over the world to perform all types of studies in order to better understand this act and consequently possess the right knowledge to manage it properly.
Sex is everywhere we look; it is that silent participant in our daily life that explores our inner thoughts, desires and fantasies. Therefore, understanding what sex is and how it affects our life definitely contributes to our better understanding of the world we live in.

Source: www.technorati.com
Studies show that sex is vital for the good functioning of the human body, and that sex brings happiness into our lives; a burst of happiness has proven to be much more important than the happiness money can provide.
Observing the direct results of the sexual intercourses over the human body has attracted many scientific researches over the time. Therefore, the valuable data provides a useful overview of the scene behind and during the sexual intercourses.
Having more sex will make you feel better, relaxed and ready to surpass your daily problems. There is no doubt that sex can be perceived as a stress reliever.
You do not have to be a mastermind to know that sex is good for you, both for your body but also for your physics. What is more outstanding is the fact that sex can even heal you from back pains or even headaches.

Source: www.sodahead.com
Sex is an extremely complex topic and therefore it covers a wide range of different opinions; however, all the studies presented down below have the same results that bring together the insights of magnificent discoveries based on scientific prove.
But let us get straight into the subject! Here are some of the most captivating findings related to the sexual activity!
Women are fertile only three to six days each month.
The sperm can be conserved in the reproductive tract up to five days.
Do not rush to say you are safe from an unwanted pregnancy, because studies have revealed that the life length of the sperm can last much more than only one single day.
Is it safe to say that nipples are erogenous zones?
Studies have proved that the sensory signals of the nipples end up in the same brain area as the stimulation of the clitoris or of the vagina. Therefore there is nothing wrong about trying to arouse your sexual partner by licking or biting her nipples. The result will be the same!
Abused girls and group sex
Abused girls or those who have been exposed to pornography since early ages are more likely to be drawn into group sex
One in thirteen girls, age 14-20 years old, who has been exposed to such mind shaping factors at an early age confessed to have been involved at least once in a group sex.
The numbers show that these girls are more likely to accept such proposals due to their natural curiosity that needs to be satisfied. These girls are also the ones that can more easily practice taboo jobs in domains such as prostitution, sexual massage, striptease or night club dance.
Cell phones invade even our private life
Is this awkward or not? Studies performed in 2012, with more than 1.000 participants involved, showed that 12% of women, who are also mothers, use their phones even when having sex. But, this is not all, 23% of the interviewed females even admit taking their phone when they go to the bathroom in order not to get bored.

Source: www.indiatimes.com
Accept your body, means accepting yourself
Do you want to experience a better sexual intercourse? Then, according to sexual studies you should definitely get rid of your inhibitions. More than 80% of females, who accepted their body shape, reported a real improvement in bed. Being self confident, feeling good in their skin, not only improves sexual life, but also increases its frequency.
Do not hide your beauty; you are superb irrespective of the pounds you weigh! Remember ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’!
Is it time to lose my virginity?
With the help of the Kinsey Institute we have been able to find out that the average age boys lose their virginity is around 16 years old, while girls choose the age of 17 years old to have their first sexual intercourse.
Time has changed and life perception as well. However, what seems to alarm sexologists all over the world is the fact that sex tends to happen at younger ages than in the past. The age limit people have sex seems to lower every ten years.
Communication brings happiness
According to some researches performed in 2012, we can safely say that communication brings happiness in any couple’s life. More than 80% of couples who confess their fears, their fantasies and their preferences to their partner appear to be happier. The couple tends to become more solid and united in time.
Honesty is a valuable trait for a couple to last and to become unbreakable.
What does your orgasm feel like?
Findings made in 2010 by the British Association of Urological Surgeons clearly showed that age influences the type of problems women have in relation to orgasms. For instance, women between the age of 17-30 years old have problems with climaxing while women between the age of 31 and 45 have problems with their sexual desire and appetite. The most common reasons that justify the lack of interest in reaching orgasms appear to be negative thoughts or different fears that women hide from the others.

Source: www.timeslive.co.za
What is sex?
Have you ever been asked to define sex? Well, there are three common answers that people generally give: 45% of the interviewed persons define sex as ‘self stimulation of the clitoris’, 35% say that sex equals oral sex, while the rest of them make a parallel between anal sex and the definition of sex.
Size does count
As this is such a debatable subject, let us see exactly what professional studies have revealed. ‘Size does count for women who have sex more than three times a week’ was the conclusion specialists from the Journal of the Sexual Medicine have reported in 2012.
Relax guys! There is no need for you to worry, sometimes the way you use it values more.
Men are more concerned with penis size than women are
The research made in 2007 by the British Journal of Urology International clarified the idea that women do not seem as concerned about the size of the penis as men are. Women are more concerned about how they are satisfied in bed, and not by the methods or the instruments used.
Faking the orgasm?

Source: the-benefits.blogspot.com
Men do not seem to know exactly when their lady is satisfied and when she is not. While 85% of men think their partner had an orgasm the last time they had sex, only 64% of females confirmed the idea. As a result, the major discrepancies between what men think and what actually happens to women raises some major question marks.
Most women need clitoris stimulation in order for them to get to their climax. For the majority of the women involved in this experiment the vaginal stimulation was not enough. So guys, pay attention and get to work!
Is there any connection between drinking alcohol and the increase in sexual desire?
Scientists have drawn the conclusion that indeed alcohol is highly linked to the desire of getting laid. Alcohol influences the way both men and women perceive reality and they seem hornier after drinking something.
How often do men think about sex?
The hypothesis according to which men think about sex every seven seconds is not all true. Sex studies performed in 2012 by the Journal of Sex Research showed that the numbers are slightly different. Men think of sex as often as they think about sleep and food. In other words, men think about sex 18 times a day while women think only 10 times a day.
How many partners did you have?
Even in what concerns the number of partners people have during their lifetime there are great differences between men and women. While men have seven partners throughout their lifetime, the average for women only gets to four partners.
Have you ever thought about how often do you masturbate? Did you know that being more intimate with yourself also improves couple’s life? New findings reveal that 43% of men masturbate at least once a week, in comparison to only 22% of women who do the same thing during a similar period of time.

Source: www.mollysdailykiss.com
Whether we talk about the importance of the penis size, the size of the labia or how often actually men do think about sex, it all resumes to scientific studies that should be taken into consideration. All in all, a fact is undoubtedly certain; sex feeds us with enough energy to forget even the worst problems we have.