Fresh air, beautiful place, wonderful weather. I was in the south of France, in the holiday that I wanted for my own, far away from home, in a stunning place with hills and sea.
I chose the location from a site, I hoped to be as beautiful as in the pictures.
The flight was relaxing, I watched the beautiful clouds, I watched France, all those buildings which seemed so small and the mountains were like some Lego pieces. I rented a house just for me, to enjoy the intimacy and silence. I was standing next to an elegant gentleman and we talked about our trip in this country. He was going in a holiday, so we exchanged opinions about the places.

I landed fast due to the conversation that I had. I was picked by a car from the airport to take me to the house in which I was going to stay for two weeks. The road was stunning, I saw large fields of lavender, the village in which I was going to stay was in the Provence region. The villages were wonderful, full of old and modern houses, but the arhitecture was kept. Everything was so breathtaking. My French was pretty good so I could talk with the driver about the history of those amazing places. On the side of the road were different sellers of sweets and pastry products. We stopped and I took some of those delicious aliments and also some grapes, different types, juicy and tasty.
When I arrived I was speechless. The house was amazing, the arhitecture was so special, it had a big yard with fruit trees and a lot of flowers, a car at my disposal and a bicycle if I wanted to take a ride. The interior of the house made me fall in love, it was very modern and classic at the same time, a combination of modern and vintage, something that I wouldn’t dare dreaming to have. The room in which I was going to sleep was very romantic, it was going to be the place were my dreams will come true. I took off my luggage and I left it in the middle of the garden and I began to run like a child among the trees and flowers, smelling the fresh cut grass. I layed on the ground, watching the sky, smelling the fresh air in a foreign country. Suddenly I heard a manly voice calling me. A handsome guy sent by the owner of the house, came to welcome me and brought me some specific food. He gave me his number and told me that I can call him at any hour if I was going to need something or if I wanted to see the suroundings. I liked him, he was full of life and nice, always smiling. He asked for my permission to bring my luggage in the house and then he left. I was alone in that beautiful house, so happy. I was thinking that I was going to feel great alone, but I also believed that I was going to invite Patrick often to visit me. In the first day I lazed, tired of the road and I ate what I bought, the food from Patrick and soft cheese and grapes. The evening passed quickly, I fell asleep in the big, relaxing bed with a curtain above. I let the courtain down and I felt like a princess.
In the morning I woke up by the birds’ singing and the smell of fresh air. I got up from bed and I went in the kitchen to prepare my coffee. Its wonderful smell and the cup from which I chose to drink the coffee, made me think about my apartment, but I wasn’t missing it. I was feeling so great there, I could have stayed for a month. I was looking by the window, savouring the coffee and remembering about my last vacation. Nothing compared with what I found here in France, the amazing places and the delicious food and the cosy house. I found a map with routes and places to visit in that place, I wanted to plan that day. After I finished my coffee I dressed in a sport outfit and I took the bike to see the suroundings. My hair was flowing in the wind of the late summer. I took down on the road to admire the nice houses and to see if it was a shop or a restaurant in that small village. I found the most stylish and nice restaurant ever. It was build in a some sort of a gazebo with a lot of sward, situated in a fruit garden , it was so beautiful, like in the movies. I told myself that I had to go there and eat. Down that road I found a grocery shop, where you could find home made bread and a lot of types of cheese. As I was thinking what to buy because I wanted to buy something from each kind, I heard someone saluting me, the voice sounded familiar.
I turned around and I saw Patrick, he was dressed much better than the last time and he had his hair done and he was also smiling so tempting. He was a charismatic young man with a sense of humour. I told him about the restaurant that I saw and I asked him to accompany me if it wasn’t any problem. He seemed so happy to be my partner. My heart was beggining to beat faster. He took my shopping bags and he accompanied me to my retro bicycle. He put my things in the basket and I was acting like a lady, so proud, getting up on the bike, and I started to pedal like it was the first time when I was riding a bicycle. I didn’t even look back, afraid not to fall due to the emotions. I got back on the road that I thought it was leading me home but I got lost among the streets. I was lucky that I had Patrick’s phone number and he came to rescue me. I was feeling lame, but I didn’t have any choice. I followed his car slowly, I was feeling like a lost fool.
I invited him to a coffee when we arrived home and he told me about the house, its history and the village history too. He had some charm for telling stories, he had elegant gestures and a beautiful body for a man. I didn’t dare to ask him who he was and if he had any connections with the owners of the house. He invited me the next day to visit some viniculturals areas and a lavender field and in the evening to dine at the restaurant. He told me that he was going to pick me up from home, to dress sporty on the day time and to have a scarf because I was going to need it and he said goodbye. I was looking at him and I sighed. I was alone and I started to cook something , to enjoy the luxurious kitchen. I found some recipes on the fridge and I decided to prepare something for dinner. I opened a bottle of wine also. I savoured the dinner in the garden, by the light of a lamp. I was looking forward for the next day, I woke up and prepared for the wonderful time that I was going to spend with him. He showed up in a elegant, convertable car, and he was looking gorgeous. His perfume was making me touching him and his smile was seducing me to kiss him. It never happened to me to want a man so badly before. His french style it was so romantic for me. I got up in the splendid car and I realized why I needed the scarf. I tied it on my head and I put on my glasses, I was like the young women from french movies, in a beautiful convertable car, beside a sexy young man, leaving to visit the lavender fields.
I have never felt a better perfume than the one that fresh lavender has. Everything was beautiful, special and magical. We made some pictures on the road and there, he braided me a lavender crown and he put it on my head, then he made some photos of me. I was feeling spoiled. Our trip continued to the wine land, and I found out that it was the property of his parents. He was having a rich family and the mansion in which they live was something magnificent. I met them also, they invited me to eat together in one of those days. He got in the house to change for dinner then we left to the house in which I lived to change also. He dressed in an elegant suit with a white shirt, which was a little bit out of the blazer’s sleeves. I wore a dress above the knees and we left to the wonderful restaurant. We had a romantic dinner, everything was very romantic, he planned everything to be just the two of us there. He served me with a piece of his steak that looked so tasty. I opened my mouth and I was triturating and making eye contact with him. I was feeeling goosebumps. After we ate he took my hand and he said to take a walk in the garden. The weather was fantastic and the sky was clear and full of stars. After some minutes I asked him to bring me home and we went to the car. When we arrived he got out and accompanied me to the door and when I wanted to get inside he grabbed my hand and he kissed my lips with such a passion, he took my waist and he told me that he wants me. I grabbed him inside and we spent the most wonderful moments, making love in the french bed with clothes on the floor. The rest of the holiday we spent it toghether, I met his parents and the house became ours and I accepted to be his bride.