Blueprints, measures, colors, my passion: design. These are the words that describe my daily life.
I met him, the love of my life, through my beloved job, job that I do in the people’s houses. I like to make them happy, to give them ideas and to make them real. I have a big satisfaction when I see them excited and happy, when I know that they live there where I gave my soul to make it look good.

So I met him , my biggest love, Paul, a rich man but single. He was alone and sad and wanted a fresh start, to make a house after his taste and to feel good in it. I met him through a mutual friend. The house was new build and it was waiting for decorations and furniture, all of that made with love and good taste. All it was missing was the love, a love between two souls. We met at a restaurant, I was dressed in a skirt and jacket, a purple shirt and high heeled shoes, with my bag with the precious laptop and a colors catalog. We had lunch and talked to find out how he was, what he wanted in a relaxing way, a definitive procedure to know a man and to find out what he needs. I felt good with him, we ate and I took out the laptop , to see how the house was situated, to make a few blueprints , we agreed on some colors them we left with his car to his home. It was a beautiful, real mansion. I started to do some drawings to show him how I was seeing the house decorated, in every corner, including the garden. He was looking at me somehow strange when I was talking, he was eating me with his eyes. We were meeting for two weeks until I finished everything about his house and after that he invited me to eat with him. I was happy to say yes and I went at my place to prepare myself, he was going to pick me up from home. I didn’t know what to wear, I didn’t know what was the reason that he wanted me to eat with him. I was feeling some hidden messages from him at our meetings, but I didn’t want to be involved with a client, it was better that way. It is my job, I make money from that, I need to be focused, without friendships or other kind of relationships, just professional. Now it was all finished, it was going to be installed all of what I made for him with love, as for any other client. I wore a white dress above the knees, with sandals and with my hair on my back. I was tired to wear it in a ponny tail like the usual. I was looking forward to see him, curious about what we were going to talk about. I perfumed a little bit and I got down, announced by his call. He was waiting me at the entrance. I gave him the address and I thought that he was going to miss the road, but he didn’t. I got out of the house and I started to walk on the alley, going to the car. It was a luxurious car, I couldn’t believe that I was going to be in such an amazing car ever. I saluted him and complimented his car. I told him that I was never impressed by a car , but that one made me fall in love with it. He smiled and asked me if I wanted to drive it to the restaurant. I said yes, although it didn’t seem very appropriate. We got down the car and we switched places and I drove with pride the jewelry , I was feeling wonderful.
I thanked him when we arrived and we entered the restaurant, slowly. My heels were hearing in the silence of the night, on the wet street, and he was happy and excited.I didn’t see him during our meetings to smile, he was a serious man, but that night he was happy and full of life, I liked him that way. He payed me a lot of compliments and we laughed about funny situations in our life. He didn’t talk about relationships, friends, family, etc. After we left the restaurant he accompanied me home and kissed my hand, when he helped me to get off the car. I was embarrassed , I didn’t know how to react. He said goodnight and he left.
I entered the house, amazed and nervous about what happened, letting my purse on the ground, I was thinking that I like him. I have always believed that rich men are arrogant and they think that they are the centre of the earth, but he proved me otherwise. He was the happy and serious man when he must be like that, a rich and simple man at the same time. He was a dizzy cocktail and wanted from many women surely. I was seeing him differently than before. He called me when he got in bed and told me a story, a sad story of his life, the fact that he lost his family in a terrible accident. That was the answer that I wanted to receive, why he was single and why did he want a fresh start.
I understood why it was a sadness in his eyes sometimes. He confessed that he fell in love with me and that he couldn’t do it with somebody else, since he lost his family. And so it began our love story.
The next day he invited me at his apartment, where he was living until his house was done. He kissed me immediately as we entered . We kissed a lot and he was telling me how beautiful I was and that he couldn’t stay without me anymore.
-I would like to make love with you, to see your naked body. A lot of times I was picturing you naked I wanted to touch you. I have goosebumps when I smell your perfume and I hide myself not to see my manly desire. Your eyes are glowing in a special manner that I didn’t see before, your lips are so sensual.
I was trembling. My hands were trembling. He never showed that he was feeling something for me and that it was such a big attraction between us and yes, I wanted him with all my being, I wanted to touch his penis between my palms, to feel it inside me and to move in it slowly and to moun with pleasure, in his big bed with rich lingerie. I undressed him and I touched his body, I kissed him all over his body and he kissed my breasts and my wet pussy, which was wanting him badly. We jumped in bed and I covered his eyes with his scarf, I kissed him all over again , I took his penis in my mouth and I put after that on him with my back at him, straight into his penis, moving faster and faster, up and down. I was wanting to feel his warmth inside me, to hear him cumming and to know that he was going to want me all his life from that moment. I like to be a lady in life, but not in bed.
We made love like it was the end of time , then we talked and cuddled. He told me that he thought that I was in love with him , that’s why I was preparing everything so nice for his house, but I told him that I did that for me, for my passion.
His love and the way he treated me every time and after I found out how he was making love, made me to want him for the rest of my life, to spoil me forever, to fall asleep with his perfume all over my body, to wake up beside him, to tell me good morning and to spoil me like anybody ever did or I wanted them to do it.