It seemed to be unreal…He was handsome,with a fresh haircut and an elegant shirt. He walked into my store, where I was spending most of the day. I am not used to admire men who come into my shop, but something drew me to him.
– Welcome to my shop! How can I help you with? -I’m looking for an elegant outfit for a special event. I would be grateful if you could help me.

That’s why I’m here. This is my bussiness, I am a profi, 100% trustworthy and I want my clients to be satisfied. I love to create men style fashion patterns, involving my own taste, but also adjusted after their preferencies. I like talking with them about what they would like, what line, which cut, what colors catch well on them, what’s trendy and what is the ocasion. I like the men who dress stylishly, casual-elegant, the men who are open minded. When I draw the patterns, I imagine that person wearing the outfit, including it’s own personality and shapes of the body. A man is even more beautiful in a beautiful coat. I asked him what kind of event he is attending and he answered that he will marry. I was thinking that all the beautiful men are taken. He is a mature man, with a body to kill for. He also has fine tastes and he is very polite.We were talking about how the wedding will be, what is the location, how the bride will look like, what kind of dress she will wear, how is the decoration and what theme they chose for the wedding. I am enjoying chatting with him. He is that kind of guy that is serious and funny at the same time. He has a very fine and inteligent humor. He told me how he met his future wife, how he proposed to her, beautiful memories of his life. He talks so nice about her! I have never heard a man talking so nice about a woman! I would like to have such a great man! I would love and apreciate him a lot more! I have so many other outfits to create, but I focus only on this one, although I won’t be there when he will wear it. I am looking forward to the day when he will see what I created. He chose a blue-indigo costume, and the shirts will be one white, and the other one blue-ciel, colors that suits him very well, because of his brown skin, blue eyes and dark hair. I am already thinking how I would stand next to him, but this is a sweet dream that will never come true.
The day has come when he must try on the outfit. I feel anxious, nervous and nobody can chill me down. I am impatient, I bring fresh flowers to put them into the vases, I take orders for today , but I am also drawing new models at the back of my store where is my relaxing place, where I come up with so many new ideas, with my favourite coffee cup, listening to soft music that inspires me. I cant’ wait to see him…When suddenly I am announced that he isn’t going to show up today because something came up. Something strange happened to me when I found out the news, something that I have never felt before. “You need to stop!” I was telling myself, “He is not yours”! He will remain just a gentleman whom I have created an outfit and nothing more!
The following days were sad and boring, untill he showed up again. When he entered the room I had goosebumps, I heard his voice inside of me and I felt full of happines and emotions. He smiled and apoligized that he couldn’t come that day and he offered me a box of chocolates, as if he knew which ones were my favorites. I offered him a cup of coffee and then I waited anxiously to see him dressed in the outfit that I created.
When he stepped out of the dressing room, I felt how my feet went pit-a-pat. He was the perfect man, in the perfect outfit, at the perfect place, with the perfect human being-me! I wasn’t interested anymore about his future wife! I arranged his shirt, I put up the buttons that I chose myself, I put a purple bow tie. I began to arrange his pants, I measured the lenght, I put on the shoes and the suit jacket. Everything was perfect for him! I really fall in love with him and he didn’t do nothing for that! He looked at me with bright eyes, he let me touch him, dress him and all that stuff as if he wanted me there with him, as if he felt the same things as me. But I know that is was not real.
-Thank you for everything that you are doing for me, thank you because we met and also for the fact that you are so talented!
-You are making me blush, sir. I am just doing my job, but your gratitude excites me and I could not be the same with other clients!
We established the next meeting and the final one, when the outfit was ready to give. I was beggining to count days, I wanted so bad to touch him again, to feel him. I wanted to know how his wife will look like, to be there at his wedding day. After another long days, he finally called and something unexpected happened. He told me that he didn’t need the clothes anymore, that he will come to get them another time beacause they won’t be needed for the wedding. I didn’t know what to believe, I was thinking that maybe he did not like how they were. I couldn’t stop thinking about him , about that man that stole my heart and who was going to marry with someone else.
I am sad and I am not in the mood for anything, I just sit in my rocking chair, thinking about a love story that was ended but also it never began. I could not describe how I feel in this very moment, I wish I have never met him, that I have never felt his manly perfume that remained on his shirt. I wasn’t myself for the next period, but I had to continue with my life. When I couldn’t think that anything good can happen, life showed me otherwise. He entered my shop and he wanted to talk to me. He said that we should be alone. I was wandering why was he there, he is a married man, what he was going to tell me , and when I heard I thought that I was dreaming:he told me that he never got married, because he is in love with somebody else and the feeling is too strong. Everything was so dizzy , but special and I found out that I am a loved woman, that I am desirable, that someone has fallen madly for me, being able give up on the woman whom he wanted as his wife. I have never thought that I could live a beautiful, enchanting story like this in a few weeks. My life was totally changed , I am very happy and fulfilled.