I have never thought that I was going ever to say something like that…
but I love the police! I am saying this because I’ve always thought that the police men are useless, that they are not doing their job properly and they just fine and stay all day. But that opinion of mine changed deeply after I met the love of my life, in a funny situation, that I won’t forget it for the rest of my life. I am the happiest woman on Earth and I can’t live without him anymore, he makes my life complete.

Source: bordersalertandready.com
It was a rainy day of November and I was very tired because I had to translate a lot of pages… yes I am a translator, I also write romantic stories for some sites over the internet , and I am translating from Romanian to English. I enjoy a lot what I am doing, but it is also very exhausting to stay for a long time at the computer and it is challenging also, it is not an easy task. But I make money and I like to put my brain at work. In my spare time I go out with my friends, to the movies, or pubs… I like to spend quality time with them. After I finished my job that day, it was four o’clock in the afternoon, when I received a phone call from one of my friends, Cosmin. He asked me to go to the movies, he made reservations for a movie that I really wanted to see, with war thematic. Although I was very tired, I said yes because I really wanted to see the movie and also them. We went to the cinema, we saw the movie, which was great, by the way, and we had to return home. I am the only one with a driving license, so I was the driver. As I said, it was a rainy day, I was very tired, an as we were waiting at the semaphore, it was a little bit far from my sight, I thought that were only two seconds left from red, and I pushed the acceleration and I left, when suddenly I heard the police horn, they were the local police crew, next to me at the semaphore. I didn’t know what to do and I continued to drive, they remained at the semaphore, and I thought that I was going to loose them, and I wasn’t sure why they did that, I supposed that I did something wrong, maybe it was still red, but I didn’t notice. When I thought that the danger was gone, I saw in the left of my side the police car which was alarming me to stop. I looked at my friends, we were shocked, all the three of us, me, Cosmin and Marian. They told me to stop , I was scared but also I was angry because I didn’t know what I did wrong. I stopped, I opened the window and I saw the most stunning man ever… he was serious, tall, brunette, with green eyes, and a perfectly suitable uniform. He asked me:
– Hello, miss, don’t you recognize the colors anymore? It was red when you accelerated at the semaphore.
– I beg your pardon? Do you think that I would have been risking with you near me? I responded proud and angry.
– There were fourteen seconds left, miss. Don’t be impolite, you should be thankful that I didn’t give you a fine.
I realized how I behaved and I apologized, he was nice and smiled, and he let me go and told me to be more careful next time because I might lose my driving license. My friends also told me to be less proud and angry and that I was lucky. I arrived home and all that I thought about was him…the hot police man. He seemed nice too and I wanted to know him better. I am a naughty person and I had movies in my mind…porn movies, I had a fetish for uniforms, although I believed that police men are stupid. He was different. Day passed but I was still thinking about him non-stop. It was a Saturday morning and I went outside in front of my gate in the yard to check my mail box. It was a letter there from him. I was surprised, happy and I read it very nervous. The letter was made in a such way to look like a ticket, a fine that I had to pay for my “crime”. I laughed, I found it an interesting way to approach me. He told me that he searched for my address, an advantage of his job and he invited me to dinner at a restaurant that evening and his name was Raul. I didn’t know what to do, it was soon, I didn’t want to give him a bad impression, but I told myself that life is short, I was single, he was hot, then what the heck, let’s give it a try! I took a bath and until seven o’clock I was ready to meet him in half an hour, he was waiting for me there at the restaurant, I liked the idea. I wore a sexy, red dress, not vulgar , a pair of high heeled shoes, my hair made in curls and an irresistible perfume. I arrived at a very fancy restaurant, he was outside, dressed in an elegant blue costume, he was looking gorgeous and when I got near him, his perfume overwhelmed me. He accompanied me to the table, he helped me gently to sit down and we started a nice conversation, he was funny and I felt very comfortable with him. We ordered steak and wine, and for dessert we ate cheese cake. Everything was perfect, we flirted, I found out that he was living alone, he had twenty seven years old and he wanted a relationship and that he liked me how I look and I seemed funny , although I was proud, he was surprised of my impudence because he was used that people to be frightened, especially women. We talked about the world’s opinion about police in general, he was upset that all of them are considered the same, but he was very keen to his job, he liked it, he wanted to us much as he can a correct and honest man, and he was involving in a lot of safety activities. I was ashamed about what I was used to think about them, I told him and he smiled. We also talked about my job and other things about ourselves and he confessed that he was very attracted to me, even though it was so soon. He kissed my hand and he payed the note, and he asked me to take a walk in the park, it was a not very cold night. I said yes, we walked and held hands and he kissed me… a passionate kiss, I felt that my knees were melting and he touched my hair and my hands with his soft but strong hands. I was all wet, it didn’t happen to me before. We got in the car and he drove me home. When we arrived I told him that I enjoyed his presence and that he made me feel very good. We began to kiss again, I was so horny , so I didn’t control myself and I told him to sleep with me that night. We had an amazing sex, he was a very passionate man, he made me feel a real woman. We tried different positions, he moved slowly inside me, I licked his strong, big penis and we both reached the climax. We fell asleep in each others arms and in the morning I woke up alone. I thought that he created a bad impression, that I was some kind of an easy woman, or that he didn’t like something. It was the first time when I did that, I felt ashamed and I regretted that I invited him over. I went to take a shower to refresh myself. When I finished, I saw on the floor some rose petals… I followed them to the kitchen and there he was, he made breakfast, american pancakes , with milk and honey. He was smiling and he was wearing just panties, he was sexy and beautiful. I jumped in his arms and he asked me if I slept okay and he kissed me all over my face. I told him that was afraid that he left, and he told me that I was never going to get away from him anymore, to chill and that he gets what happened between us, it was a big attraction and he felt how I was as a woman. So we ate the breakfast and we made love again and again and again.
Time passed, we are in a relationship for two years and yesterday he proposed to me. Of course I accepted. I am the most lucky woman in the world, I am loved and I love .