Funny and interesting facts from all around the world concerning relationships, dating, national laws and gender differences
– In the online dating world, women are afraid of meeting serial killers while men are afraid of meeting fat women.
– On average, the most common time for breakups is around three to five months.
– The first couple who appeared together in bed was Fred and Wilma Flintstones.
– In Cali, Colombia, a woman may only have sex with her husband and the first time this happens, her mother must be in the room to witness the act.
– In Alexandria, Minnesota, men aren’t allowed to make love to their wives with the smell of garlic, sardines or onions except from their wives’ requests. If so, they must brush their teeth first.
– In Carlsbad, New Mexico no couple can engage in a sexual activity while parked in their vehicle, unless it has curtains.
– In Detroit, couples are not allowed to engage in sexual activity in a vehicle, unless it is parked on couple’s property.
– In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania sex with a truck driver inside a toll booth is forbidden.

– Four out of ten workplace dating relationships result in marriage.
– Couples use to date approximately eight times until they have sex.
– In hotels in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, when a couple rents a room for one night, it is illegal to make love on the floor, between the beds.
– An erection that shows through a man’s clothing is illegal in: Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi. In most of these areas, oral sex is also illegal.
– In Hasting, Nebraska motel’s guests aren’t allowed to have sex (not even if they are married) unless they wear clean nightshirts, provided by the motel owners.
– The fine for an unmarried couple having sex in Rhode Island is 10$ each.
National laws
Scottish escorts can sell sex as it is legal as long as it is between two consenting adults. However, some practices relating to sex work are still illegal.
– In Maryland, it is illegal to sell condoms from vending machines with one exception: prophylactics may be dispensed from a vending machine only ‘in places where alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption on the premises’.
– Topless Fish Saleswomen are legal in Liverpool.
– In Guam, it is illegal to marry a virgin and there are men in the country whose job is to deflorate the virgins.
– In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband but she must do this only with her bare hands. On the other hand, The husband’s lover may be killed in any manner desired.

– In Lebanon, it is illegal to have sex with a male animal (it is punishable by death), but men are allowed to have sex with female animals.
– ‘After having sexual relations with a lamb, it is a mortal sin to eat its flesh’: this is an Islamic law most Middle Eastern countries follow.
– Muslims are forbidden to look at a corpse’s genitals and during the undertakers corpse’s genitals are covered with a piece of wood.
– In Washington, it is illegal to have sex with a virgin under any circumstances including the wedding night.
– In Nevada, it is illegal to have sex without a condom.
– In Romboch, Virginia, it is illegal to have sex with the lights on.
– In Indonesia, masturbation is punished by decapitation.
– Sex toys are illegal in Alabama.
Gender differences
– In the 1400’s a law was set forth that a man was not allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb.
– In Bahrain, a male doctor is forbidden from looking directly at a woman’s genitals. He is allowed to consult her but only by looking at her genitals’ reflection in a mirror.
– In Bolivia, a man is forbidden from having sex with the mom and the daughter in the same time.
– In Minnesota, men are forbidden from having sex with a live fish.
– In Tremonton, Utah, women are not allowed to have sex while riding in an ambulance.
– In Connorsville, Wisconsin men are not allowed to shoot a gun while the female partner is having an orgasm.
– In Oxford, Ohio it is illegal for a woman to stand nude in front of a man’s picture.