Have you ever dreamed about that perfect holiday, full of parties dreams and beautiful people?
Well the funny thing is that I’ve been invited to the land of all the stuff together, of course with the sea and beach and so on.

Source: juicysexstories.com
So I met this guy at a gallery of paintings and I could not notice his interesting outfit, simple but it had that contrast that I’m using in my outfits so it got my attention. I was nervous when he approached and asked me what was I thinking about a painting.
“I’m looking at this woman. I wonder who she was, if the artist had a strong emotional connection with her or not. Also, how long did it took the artist to finish this masterpiece. What about you?”
” I think it might be the artist’s alterego or a crush. See those lines?”
“Yes, I do. What’s about them?”
“There’s a slightly boundary between sexy and erotism.”
“So, if you knew how to paint or to draw, would you ever draw a family member like this?”
“Oh my God, of course not! And for your information, I do know how to paint. I came here for inspiration.”
“I also came here for the inspiration.”
“You paint too?”
“No, I sculpt.”
“Oh, that’s so awesome. What do you sculpt and what inspires you?”
“I wonder why..” I said being sarcastic.
So we talked for an hour and a half about almost all the paintings at that exposition. We noticed every detail or if one of us missed it, the other came to point it out. It was fun. We made a lot of jokes and it became even funnier when we began making sex jokes. But they were subtle and I loved that game.
„What do you want to do next?” he asked.
„Let’s go to the beach. It’s near.”
„Ok. What do you want to do?”
„Well, first of all relax. I really love the seashore, the sea. It makes me so calm and puts my thoughts together.”
„You have a point there. Let’s go then.”
So we went to the beach, threw some pebbles into the water (so typical of people to do that everytime they see water), built some appartments and villas out of sand like kinders. He started to build some female body shapes that looked so damn good, moment when I felt an even more attraction to this guy. I am dumb when it comes to crushes, indeed, but I can’t help my instincts and who wouldn’t feel attracted by a talented, hard-working, hot person? I mean, I barely help myself not to fuck myself every minute or so looool. I didn’t understand how come he didn’t ripped already the clothes out of me. Perhaps I was impatient and he was already thinking about some action later, who knew? I wish I did for sure.
We started to get to know eachother in such a short time, telling me he was from London like I was! Now what a coincidence! And we kept talking about life and people and our passions. During that, he was sculpting out of sand a pear of boobs and I started sculpting a penis which amused him, laughing about my desire of having a shemale in my life.
„Why would you say that?” I giggled.
„Your soul speaks for itself. Every action that you make is the refflection of your thoughts.”
„Is it good or not?” he got me thinking and changed for a second my mood.
„There is no such thing as good or bad. And also normality. What is normal to you, it doesn’t have to be normal for other people. The conjucture is different everytime, the people and so on.”
Then I figured out that I was obsessed with confirmations and not being judged by people. Though I didn’t spend until then too much time with this stranger, I felt I knew him for my entire life and wanted to get to know him better, penetrate that mistery he had built. Or, at least letting him penetrate mine. Though I’ve noticed a few patterns in human behaviour, I can’t tell each time how is actually that person that I’m talking with, I mean, I don’t even know myself that well, but somehow my instinct tells me if I should be cool with someone or not.
The conversation got a little sexier when I first brought in discussion.
„Are you asking me if I ever had a benefit from a london escorts website?”
„If you’re ashamed to admit that, let me break the ice and say yes.”
He laughed, saying I was crazy and he kept doing his thing, sculpting. Then he challenged me to bring more detail on that attempt of sculpture I had earlier.
„Show me how to do it. I’m just a painter.” I said.
„You are an artist, a visual artist. This shouldn’t be too hard. You just have other materials and need to get other techniques. It’s not that hard.”
„Yes, but it’s neither easy.”
„Who said it has to be easy? Imagine I work with wood and rock and I don’t complain.”
„Yeah, you’re right. I’m also dealing with rock here, you know. Rocks, they’re many so it makes it more difficult.” I tried to be funny making a sand joke.
He smiled and began shaping the head of my masterpiece in the making.
„Here’s your starting point. Complain now!”
„Wow! How did you do that? It only took you a minute.” I was schocked how detailed was that fake penis lol.
„Imagine I know pretty well the shape.”
Then my imagination went cucu and he succeeded making me think about his penis and I was deffinitely sure he was aware of that. Sneaky one.
„Have you ever sculpted a man before?” I asked.
„I did that once.” He smiled.
„Who did you sculpt?”
„My father.”
I felt there a very soft tonality and I could tell he did that with all his love.
„Oh, how nice and sweet of you.”
„I pretty much sculpted my entire family, my sister, brothers, parents.”
„Wow! What a family!”
„Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
„No, I am the only child, but my family always said that I was enough and worth 10 children haha.”
„I can tell. I feel you got some energy there, but you didn’t find the right people to handle it, now haven’t you?”
If it wasn’t enough the fact he got my attention in the first place when he approached me and started the conversation in the first instance, he even got it more after those words. Couldn’t believe he was actually feeling me. We had there a true connection, an undeniable chemistry. All that smart talking got me a little horny and I hoped it got him too. Besides, we were in my favourite place in the world: on the fucking beach!
I was wondering when we’ll get to the sexy time, ’cause all we had ’til now was teasing and smart, honest talking.
I started to shape the sand penis as he suggested I should, while he was doing the same thing with the breasts. We had a competition there, a very sexy one.
„What is that supposed to mean?”
„Can’t you tell?” I giggled.
„All I can see there is sand being spread all over the place.”
„It’s supposed to be cum!”
„Ohh, you went so far. Is that what you’re thinking of?”
„And do you have someone in mind who could do that?”
„I’m talking with him.”
He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, after that, I guess he thought about changing his text lines since the scenario was changed, he asked me to approach him a little more and help him finish the breasts.
There we were, sculpting boobies, together, until he held one of mine to check if he sculpted the exact shape.
„Wow! You also went that far with your imagination. Looks who was talking!” I was laughing and enjoying the boob massage.
„You have inspired me from the beginning.”
After that, things got hotter and hotter until he made the move. I remember standing in front of him, on his lap, going up and down, up and down. The way he grabbed my hips was so hot I wet myself even more. We didn’t try alot of sex positions, that one was enough and the feeling was very intense from both sides.