Don’t let shyness ruin your sex life!
Are you a shy person and you do not know what to do in bed? Do you want an intense sexual intercourse, but you do not know how to say it to your partner? Well, we are here to help you!
Read this guide and for sure you will experience amazing results! Just put it to a test and tell us how it all worked out for you!
‘If there is no struggle, there is no progress.’ – Frederick Douglass
Your problem is not that you don’t like sex, is it? It is just the fact that you are too afraid to do something wrong and too afraid that your partner will be disappointed. Well, then it is the perfect time to get out of your comfort zone and take the lead! It is not that hard once you get the taste of it! Try it!
Enough with holding off your desires in bed, it is definitely the time for you to do something in order not to lose your loved one!

1.Do not be embarrassed!
You are not supposed to be embarrassed when you have sex. Sex is a natural act that we all perform at a certain age. Specialists state that sex should be that source of relief for everyone, it should be the opportunity to get relaxed and enjoy yourself and your partner!
Not enough time? You think you are too busy to have sex? Totally wrong! Think about having a quickie; it will be like an escape from monotony! Half an hour is more than enough. Getting naked can turn out to be a real fun! Just try to be a little bit more confident and take the lead. Your partner is definitely going to be impressed!
2.Practice makes perfect
Recent studies show alarmingly high numbers of inhibited persons in bed and the common justification is – ‘I’m too afraid that I’m going to blow it, to ruin everything’. Guys, wake up, there is nothing you can ruin with a little bit of passion and desire!
Share your feelings and your fears with your partner even though it may make you blush. Face your problems as they are! Just get rid of your inhibitions and try to relax; enjoy your time together as a couple. Sex is part of a healthy couple’s life!
3.Don’t fasten up things
Have you felt a moment of pure bravery? Well, don’t push it! Take it slow and have patience with yourself.
The heat rises and you want it more and more but you don’t know how to say it properly. Then just say it. Let words get out of your mouth!
Being tolerant and patient may be the key to your healing. Think about it!

4.Ask questions
You are in the middle of a discussion and you just don’t know what to say. Does it feel like the cat got your tongue? The best way to get out of this situation is to appear normal, as normal as you can. So, instead of answering questions and struggling to get over your emotions, ask questions. Try to find out more about your partner!
5.Invite your partner to talk
Another solution which is closely linked to number 4 is to pass the discussion to the other. For instance, when you do not know what to say next, and it all appears too hard for your brain to handle, just say something and then pass it to your interlocutor – ‘What about you?’
6.Always pay attention to what the talk is about
Do not focus that much on what you are going to say and what it is about to happen next. Try to go with the flow and this is how you will feel relaxed. Take part in what is happening!
7.Look pleased
Did you know that a smile attracts another smile? It is the pure truth! Transform your date from a real nightmare into a relaxing rendezvous. Either that you are shy with new people, or that you are shy with your lover, get over it!
Don’t be so insecure about yourself, because, honestly, you do not have any reasons for this! Take small steps, and understand yourself, in short understand how your brain and body work. And only then you can focus on your interlocutor too!
8.Give obvious signs
So, you finally managed to be alone with your lover in your own bedroom. What next? You are so horny and you want sex, but your lover doesn’t get your ‘invisible’ signs. Then, take the initiative and be more evident!
Even shy people can ask what they want! Dim the lights, put on some romantic music and initiate sex!
How can you express the juicy state of your mind in the intimacy of your couple? Nothing more easy! Sexologists all over the world have come up with clear solutions that generally can be applied to the majority of the shy people out there:
– Drink a glass of red wine
– Think about sexy things and talk about them
– Take a steamy bath together
9.Sex helps boost your self-confidence

Even though you might have thought that sex might actually do the opposite, think about it twice. If you finally chose to leave the house to meet someone new, then you will immediately feel that your confidence level has just risen!
The explanations are that your brain tries to get over the fear of rejection! Your anxiety level gets into an antonymic relationship with your burning desire to have sex. And you know what? Something has to thrive! It only depends on you, what it will be!
10.Understand yourself
In order for you to be happy, you need to know exactly what makes you happy and what not. If you know it, share the information with your partner as well. He/she doesn’t have the ability to read minds, you know? Explore the naughty side of your body! Wear some sexy lingerie and send obvious signs! Tell him/her what to do and how to do it, therefore you will both get to be accomplished and happy!
It is said that one of the most common fears when talking about shy people in bed, is that they do not know how to act after the sexual intercourse is over. Well, a normal behavior would be the answer. A fact is certain, you do not have to do or to say anything special after the intercourse. Don’t make the situation more awkward than you already perceive it. Stay in bed and cuddle for a couple of moments and don’t push things! It will all get better for you in the end, you just have to try!
‘Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.’ – Henry Ford