Love her as she is: with flaws, qualities, with messy hair in the morning, with tired eyes in the evening.
Kiss her whenever you got the chance: when you make love with her, when she cooks or when she does the cleaning in the house.
Love him as he is: although he leaves a lot of water in the bathroom after he takes a shower, although he didn’t get his hair cut for an event . Kiss him whenever you got the chance: when he gets up in the morning or when he gets home after work.

Love made me feel a woman, it made me happy and alive. The love that I share with him is the best, like in a fairytale. I get up every morning next to him, I kiss him and hug him. His face give me courage for the day.
Magical evenings when we lose ourselves in the arms of each other and we make love like two crazy persons. Every evening I stay on the porch and I wait to hear his steps on the asphat when he enters in the yard. Each time they give me goosebumps. I can’t wait to jump in his arms and kiss him. His mouth tastes like love and his soft tongue explores each part of my mouth, he is a great kisser.
It was an august evening and I was relaxing after the heat that was during the day. I love to surprise my boyfriend. I was wearing just a soft dressing gown. I made dinner, I took a champagne and I also made a delicious dessert, and I turned off the light. I was standing on the porch listening to his footsteps, but he was delaying. I called him because it was the first time when he did that, and he didn’t answer. I was worried that something happened. While I was trying to reach him , he suddenly appeared in front of me, in his knees with an enormous bouquet of flowers.
I looked at him amazed and I saw that he was barefoot. He did that because he didn’t want me to hear him coming. I hugged him and kissed him and I smelled the roses and the freesies. I took his hands and I put them on my waist and I hugged him again. He kissed my neck and he undressed me. He put me on the bed and he complimented my naked body. I was trying not to moan , I was biting the pillow. His hands touched my breasts and after that he took my hand and I felt his strong penis, he was so horny. We let ourselves gone and we made an intense love, then we ate and we talked. The evening ended with a hot bath .
Love was everywhere, in things, in people. There is love between two old people that walk in the street, there is love between a cat and its baby, there is love between two brothers and also between two young persons. Each kind of love is different. I watch by the window the persons that don’t have anything to eat sometimes, but they love each other and support one another. I have a flower shop, my passion. I meet everyday a lot of people. I watch them how they want to surprise their loved ones. It is a gentleman between two ages that every friday buyes a bouquet of white roses tied with a red ribbon for his lady. I think it is a very nice gestures and that woman is very lucky. I always make the bouquets with love. Some of them come with beautiful words, other with marriage proposals. If something will happen and I will not have this flower shop anymore, I will be very sad. It is my soul, my relaxing spot.
Someday I was making some flower crowns for a few girls that go to a wedding. While I was doing my job a gentleman told me:
– I would like you to help me for a flower bouquet, I don’t know what to choose, I let you guide me, but I want it big.
I chose the most beautiful flowers and I arranged the bouquet after my taste, it was stunning. I was thinking about the woman that will receive it, how happy she will be.
I gave him the flowers and I watched him leaving, thinking about that lucky woman when he stopped and said:
– You must be wondering who is the lucky one?
I was ashamed that he read my mind and he came next to me and said:
– Please receive these flowers, they are for you, they are a gift from the man whom you gave all your love, the man with whom you share the best moments in your life.
They were from Alex. I was very emotional, I didn’t know what to say. I took them and I smelled them, it was a different feeling after I found out that there were for me. The bouquet was mine, it was something that I wanted to receive. I thanked that man and I called Alex. He didn’t answer and I wrote him a message to tell him that I was very thankful, I was the luckiest woman and he made my day. The rest of the day I spent it very happy and I couldn’t wait to see him and hug him and kiss him with passion, I wanted to tell him how happy I was because I had his love. I went home without knowing nothing from him, it was strange. His car wasn’t at home, it was dark. I took a shower and I made a lemonade and I went on the porch to wait for him. But he didn’t show up like I was expecting, he came from the house, he made me a surprise. He took me in his arms and put me on the soft grass:
– I wish to be toghether as long as the stars are on the sky, as long as the moon will endure and sun will shine! You are my love, I couldn’t think that I will feel something like that !
He took my hand and kissed it, then he put a ring on my finger. I was trembling and breathing fast and I started to laugh with joy and play with him in the grass, hugging him and kissing him. Now I understood why he didn’t answer, why he was hiding. I was so happy and my answer was, of course, a big yes. He told me that he wanted to propose to me that evening when he came barefoot but he didn’t have the courage. I wish that our love to be as pure as the love between an old lady and an old man, who walk and still hold hands.