July has come at last! I’ve waited all year for the summer holiday, to go with my friends at the summer house of Paul’s parents, which was located by the sea, at a turistic resort.
We were going to spend there two months, the whole crazy gang, ten boys and ten girls. His parents were not going to stay with us, we were just going to have a lady to take care of the house, to cook and clean.

Source: wallpaperfolder.com
It was the evening before departure and I was doing my luggage, two suitcases full of clothes, swimwear, shoes, etc. My parents told me not to carry so much with me, but how did they know what was I going to need?!
We met early in the morning, we were happy and full of life. We boarded in the train and the road took three hours untill we saw the sea. Everything was perfect, we listened to music and we made a lot of plans.
We left the train , we took two cabs and we left to the Paul’s house. When we arrived I was amazed by the view, everything was so beautiful, it was such a big house, with an imense garden, with fruit-bearing trees, a big swimming pool with long chairs, a bar and a grill. It was going to be a great vacation.
It was a house just like in the movies, with big rooms, with opened space kitchen, everything was modern. The first think that we did was to jump in the pool, to refresh ourselves and relax after the exhausting road.
On our first night we went out to visit some places and we drank some summer cocktails, at a beach bar. The smell of the sea and the sound of the waves that were breaking by the shore were making the atmosphere way more relaxing. I was listening to the music and dancing, when I received a cocktail. It was from a nice young man, who was working at the bar. He winked and smiled at me and I finnally got the guts to go and thank him.
We couldn’t talk very much, because he was working, but we looked at each other sometimes. His eyes were shining, he had a deep look, white shirt and a red bow-tie. He was very sexy especially when he was preparing the cocktails, the way he was handlening the bussinness it was amazingly hot. I was sure that he offered drinks to many other girls, but I wasn’t interested about that, I just wanted to have some fun and enjoy everything that I could. I was drinking enough to get a little bit dizzy and to feel good. At some point, the bartender asked me to go out with him after he was finishing his work.
We walked by the sea, bare feet on the cold sand. We sat down on the beach and we watched the moon which was mirroring in the sea. We layed and we admired the clear sky, full of stars.
– It is a lovely summer night, beautiful girl!
– It is indeed, beautiful boy!
We both started to laugh. We realized that we didn’t know each other’s names.
– My name is Teodora, and you are…?
– I am John!
We smiled and we started to count stars, it was very probably to fall asleep on the beach. He told me that he had someone back at his hometown, and he was working there only on summer. I told him that I was single and that I was there with friends to enjoy summer. He said me to have some fun together when he was free. On other circumstances I would’ve said no, but I didn’t want a serious relationship, I just wanted to have some fun. We let ourselves carried by the moment and we kissed. His taste of alcohol combined with mine, made us feel drunk much more. We were hugging and rolling in the sand, under the moonlight. We undressed and we swimmed naked in the sea. We got out shaking and we were hugging again to warm up, then we walked by the sea shore, talking about a lot of stuff. It was almost morning and we decided to see the sunrise together .It was the most beautiful sunrise that I have ever seen in my life, I was on the beach, in the arms of a stranger, a beautiful man and the sun got out of the sea like a fire ball. He accompanied me home and we wanted to say goodbye, but I invited him to sleep with me. We got upstairs bare feet, because we didn’t want to wake the others, we took a shower and we felt asleep by the song of the birds. Never happened between us, except that kiss, and I didn’t want to rush things, it was perfect that way. We slept until afternoon when Sandra, my friend, woke us up to invite us to eat. Everyone was at the pool, having fun and barbequing. We went together but then we walked separte ways because ha was going to work. After that I layed on the long chair under the sun, like a lazy cat. That night we were going to see each other again after work. That day I spent it with my friends, at midnight we went to the amusement park and at a night club, where we had a great time.
Before he was ending his work for that day, I went there and I waited for him. We went at his place, because he wanted to take a shower and change to go somewhere. We were stradller, we didn’t know where to go. I saw him undressing and I watched his perfect builded abdomen and I started to touch him, I wanted him so bad and I told him:
– I want to make love with you, John, I want to feel the big John inside me!
I was so wet, I was trembling, I couldn’t wait any longer. I haven’t had sex in a month, since I broke up with Alex, a relationship that lasted two years. John’s body was very appealing, the way he was looking at me was so sexy, and his kissing was perfect. Those were the only things that I knew about him, but they were enough.
He took my head and he pulled away my hair and he started to kiss my lips, to touch them with his tongue and to lower down to the neck. I was having chills all over my body, my legs trapped his waist, I was up in his arms. He took me to the side of the bed and he penetrated me deep and fast, that I couldn’t say a word. I didn’t know what I should’ve said, at least some pleasure moaning, a thing that actually happened. I have never felt something like that before, he was so tender and careful with what I desired.
The rest of the vacation I spent it with him when he was available, without love implication. I was enjoying my holiday, being free of doing whatever I wanted, without obligations and explanations, that was the advantage of not having a relationship. It was our secret.
It was the end of the holiday and I ended a wonderful chapter of my life, a love summer story, a story that I was going to write in my secret diary!