It is Spring and everything starts to live again, including me. I have always felt full of live In Spring time.
Maybe because in this season I am born, maybe because everything gets green, the sun gets stronger and the flowers are blooming.
I live with my boyfriend who will become my husband in two weeks. We have a house with a beautiful yard and a lovely dog which I wanted a lot and he gave me as a present.
The preparations for the wedding are many, I am very excited, we will be just us in the center of attention.

We wanted to have a barbeque with our friends in the yard but it wasn’t possible. At eight o’clock pm I received a phone call from the girls to go out for pizza and the guys were going out for beer. We began to prepare ourselves , even though I wasn’t in the mood for that. I took a pair of jeans, a T-shirt , the car keys and each of us left to his way. I kissed him and I left. I arrived where the girls said but I couldn’t find any restaurant or public place. It was a building with apartments. I called to find out what was all about and they told me to call to a number because we need to pick someone up from there and then we go. I thought it was strange because they didn’t tell me in the first place but I went to the apartment. When Alexa opened the door she had a big smile on her face. When suddenly all of our friends showed up from behind the door screaming like lunatics “surprise”. I was shocked and surprised, I didn’t understand the occasion. Everything was planned in detail:we had food, drinks, good music, even presents for me for the bachelor party! I asked where the boys were.
– At the surprise party for Dan!
I was imagining Dan’s face when he was surprised because I know that he didn’t want a party before the wedding but I am sure that they were going to fell great. We laughed, I opened the presents, they were very interesting, sexy things suited for our honey moon. I drank a little bit more, I was euphoric. At some point the door bell sounded and suddenly a man appeared in my face, dressed in leather, he was sexy, with muscles and everything you want. I looked at the girls, they were screaming and laughing , I was embarrassed and confused. He was a very sexy man and he began to dance lascivious, my nipples were hard. I let go, I began to dance and follow the madness. I had the most crazy moments. At some point he took me to the bedroom and he began to get me naked. The girls were continuing the party. He took off my T-shirt, then my pants, he put his tie around my neck and then he began to undress himself also. I was enjoying. He was in boxers and I was in panties and bra. I was looking at a gorgeous body, full of muscles. If you would have asked me before If I was into muscles, I would have said no, but now I think otherwise. I began to touch his abdomen and get close to him. I was shameless and enjoying the moment. He took my hand and he put it on his penis. It was big and hard. I dared to take off his boxers and I began to rub myself to it. After a few seconds he took off my bra, my panties and he began to have sex with me. I was feeling so good, his body was looking so hot on top of me and how he was moving it was fascinating. Everything must have lasted for half and hour then he left and I took my clothes and went to take a shower. I was looking like crap but I was satisfied. When I got out the shower the girls were looking at me impatient to tell them what happened in the bedroom. I didn’t want to tell them that I had sex, I wanted to tell Dan. I didn’t know how but I had to. I think that the wedding was going to be canceled… I stayed with them a little bit longer, I drank a little bit of alcohol again and I took a taxi to go home, leaving my car in front of the building. I arrived dizzy and scared about what was going to happen. Dan wasn’t at home, I took a shower again, I removed my make up and I dressed casual, and I made a hot tea. After almost an hour I saw a taxi in front of the house. My heart was racing , I didn’t know how I was going to tell him. He was weird, a little bit dizzy, but sad. I took him in my arms and I told him that I need to tell him something.
– Me too!
I told him first then he stopped me and he confessed that he did that also with a woman. He told me how sexy she was , how everything went, that she caught his mind. I was very jealous and I wasn’t liking what I was hearing, but I also did that.
– And now what? I asked.
– We pretend that nothing happened and we continue our lives.
I didn’t believe what I was hearing. A few hours earlier we were a normal couple, then some crazy stuff happened and now we continue our lives, we were even going to get married in a week. He took me in his arms and he kissed me, then he put me to show him how that man had sex with me. I asked him the same, to show me what she did to him also. We were both so horny, we were shacking and we were making love like to crazy persons, we were biting our genital organs and we were licking each other as we were some lollipops. He put me then on my knees and he got inside me from behind, squeezing my breasts, he penetrated me strong and with desire and he screamed with pleasure. He cum in my mouth with some quantity that I had never seen before in my life. I took it all and I shook his penis to my breasts, licking it. I got up exhausted and I took him in my arms, telling him how much I love him and that I didn’t want to lose him never ever. We went to take a swim in our interior pool , we relaxed ourselves. I was in need to clear my mind by swimming and seeing him. I wasn’t needing anything else, I was just happy that we didn’t break up. I think that I wouldn’t have forgive myself, if he wouldn’t have done the same thing as me, even if he was going to forgive me. We swam naked in the pool with hot water and from time to time we were kissing and touching each other. I was happy to become his wife, he was such a good man.
The next day I met my friends and we talked about the party but I didn’t tell them about what happened in the bedroom, nor Dan to the boys. After all it was a good party, it tested us and we passed it, making us love each other more and know better our bodies and desires in sex.
Sex is important in a relationship, isn’t it?