It was a time when sports were not for me. Now I can not say that anymore.
In my spare time I am in the mood for some sport with my friends. The past summer I learned to swim. I couldn’t believe that I was going ever to be able to swim. It seemed hard for me. Everything started when Alex, my boyfriend, told me that I can do it. And he had patience with me, a lot of patience, because I was afraid when I wasn’t feeling the sand under my feet.

We were living next to the sea and I couldn’t swim. A little bit strange if you think about it, but not everyone is made for this. I thought that I wasn’t made for this. The first lessons were very difficult for me, then I started to like it, and at the end of summer I could swim, stay on my back and jump from the boat in deep water, maintaining myself on the surface. I was very proud of me but he was even prouder and he was happy because he could teach me. There were days when I wanted to do that, knowing that he was teaching me. He was doing it with love and he was happy for every success of mine. I think that I was looking very funny when I was swimming like a duck or when I was grabbing him when I was feeling that I can not handle of my own.
The summer was gone and I began other activities, but in my spare time I work out and I enrolled myself for swimming also. I go to a private basin, in a residencial neighborhood to do some movement and to improve what I learned in the summer. It is a very beautiful place and after the first lesson I feel great. I have a very sexy coach and sometimes I loose myself next to him. I don’t know if it is because he is very charismatic and he is very patient, or because his bathing slip is looking so good on him. I try not to think about it because I have Alex but I don’t know if someone could resist to this beautiful man. When I signed up I didn’t know who was going to be my coach. After my first class I want to go daily. When I arrived home I told Alex how it was and I also told him about my good looking coach.
– Are you attracted to him? It is no problem. If you feel the need to have an adventure with him, I don’t have nothing against it, as long as it is only about that. I would like you to be happy and not to be an impediment in something that you want to try. I am jealous , but this makes me want you more.
I have never heard of a man like this. You could think that someone who tells you that doesn’t care for you enough, he doesn’t love you and he doesn’t care for the relationship with you. But maybe he is a modern guy. He offers me everything he has and I have never felt that he doesn’t love me. Sometimes we need to trust and to offer our partner freedom because we only live once and we need to try anything, and if that man is still next to you it means that you are very lucky. Maybe we don’t think okay enough, in a free way and we are not open minded. That night I stayed and I thought about what Alex said and I didn’t know what to think about it. He kept me all night in his arms and he loved me as he always does.
The next day at swim I went with Alex . I took him with me to see how I was doing. There was a glass wall which was separating the basin and the waiting room where there were lounge chairs and you could watch how the swimming classes were going on. You can drink coffee or other drinks and relax yourself. I took two rounds on the edge of the basin, supporting on the bar because it seemed to me a long distance to do it on my own and the coach approached me to show me how to do and he began to swim next to me and when I was tired he was coming and grabbing my waist trying to maintain me on the surface. A few times he put me underwater to see if I was supporting myself or I stop. I didn’t panic and I wanted to show Alex that what he thought me I didn’t forget and I was trying to control my fear. At some point we both swam a basin tour without stopping, I was very proud of me and I was looking towards Alex, although I wasn’t seeing him, just he was able to see me. On the other lane it was the other coach but he finished before us and he left and we remained alone in there. We tried to do some diving then he showed me a few jumping and he put me to do that and he was waiting me in the water to catch me if I wasn’t sure. At the first jump I felt that I couldn’t reach the surface anymore and he took me in his arms trying to comfort me. I was close to his chest, then he raised my head to him and he was trying to kiss me. My heart was racing and I didn’t know what to do. I knew that Alex was there watching me but I was feeling a big desire to do that. I accepted the kiss and things degenerated and it lasted for minutes. His hands were grabbing my waist, then one of them he put it into my bra. I trembled and stepped back, I swam to the edge of the pool and I got out from the water. He followed me , took my hand and he apologized. I was attracted to him but I was also put in a delicate situation. I didn’t know if Alex was still there, I was worried. I went to the change room and I took a shower, I dried my hair and I wanted to get out when the coach came to me again and he asked me if everything was okay. I told him yes.
– You are a very beautiful woman, I couldn’t resist. I like you a lot.
– You are e very sexy man also, but I have someone.
He took my hand and he caressed it but I stepped back again and I left to Alex.
He was waiting me there. His look was very different than what I was used to see at him but he held my hand and we left. I was shacking with emotion, I thought that I was going to lose him but it wasn’t like that.
– Did you like his kiss? What did you feel? I would like to know.
– I felt very good, I think that I wanted to have sex with him.
I wasn’t thinking about what I was telling but I told the truth. He looked at me and he said nothing on the road home. I was looking through the window and from time to time at him, I couldn’t read nothing on his face.
When we arrived home he threw his keys and he began to tear my clothes apart , kissing my lips which were kissed before by the coach. He pulled my hair and he pushed me to his mouth , everything was brutal, as he was trying to revenge or something. His attitude was making me wanting him more. He put me on the side of the armchair, touching my breasts then he touched my craving and full of desire pussy. I was really wet and I wanted him inside me. He penetrated me and he made me scream with pleasure. It was like the first time, it was the best sexual experience with him. He finished on my body, on my tits, massaging me with his sperm,watching my body which was shacking from the pleasure.
– That was for you to see what you have home! I would have liked you to have sex with him, I would have got mad, I think that I would have come to you , not to stop you, but to watch you!
– I love you, my Alex!
I got up like I was, I jumped into his warm arms, full of love, forgetting everything that was at the swimming pool.