Check out our list of types of men to avoid in your life!
Apparently you might think that you have just found the perfect guy. He does everything for you; he is caring, lovable and very affectionate. Until you get a closer look, that is for sure; then you…
…will probably have one of those unpleasant surprises.
‘Keep the faith, don’t lose your perseverance and always trust your gut instinct.‘ (Paula Abdul)
A thorough examination of his personality together with a close look at his behavior might just turn out to be deceitful. Therefore get cozy, because today we are going to expose some of the types of guys you must avoid dating.

Predicting how he is going to be in bed or into your life might be a hard job for you as a woman. That is why numerous studies have been performed by specialists all over the world to prove to you that you are not alone in this fight.
You can notice some of the signs your guy transmits to you, or you can simply read them here. Somewhere along the way you will finally learn how to read in advance the type of men he is, and if he fits into one of the following categories, then you should probably avoid him.
Sometimes appearances may turn out to be misleading, therefore pay attention to the following characteristics and you will be safe in any choices you might have to take.
Here are some of the characteristics that you could take into consideration in order to identify these types of men.
Types of men you should avoid dating
The dominator
‘I know it all! I am the only one that can endure your behavior! Do as I say!’
The dominator is one of those guys you must be careful with. He is alarmingly intelligent and wants to have control over everything, including you. Why is that? Well, we hereby present to you some of the most characteristic features of this type of men.

- He is an expert at seducing women
- He will make you feel special at the beginning, but then slowly but surely will make you lose your self-confidence
- He is always surrounded by his buddies, who value him as a real alpha-male
- He is probably going to drag you in a love game that you normally cannot escape from
- He hears picking lines all the time
- He definitely dislikes to be questioned
The arrogant

‘Yeah, like I have time for this. Of course I haven’t remarked your outfit!’
Everyone seems inferior to this guy. However, some girls get directly into his trap. The main card that he usually plays – ‘Let me teach you how to be perfect because I know all the secrets!‘
- He is selfish. Nothing else matters!
- He is superior and extremely cocky
- He has too much self-confidence and this may turn against you at a certain point
- He demands respect
- He smokes a lot, so as to feel more important than he really is
- He manipulates your emotions!
The model

‘I’ll make your wish come true! Trust me!’
He thinks that he is a model in everything he does, including your life. He perceives himself as the example that is worth to be followed.
- He is very concerned with his physical appearance and the way he smells
- He enjoys teasing you, until you will finally do what he wants
- He might appear focused on what you tell him, but trust me – he is not!
- He is undoubtedly good in bed
- He seems to read your body signs exceptionally
- He is constantly flirting with everybody
- He is focused on the way people perceive him
The player
‘You’re mine and I’m yours! Everything will be OK babe!
He definitely knows what he is doing, and therefore he is an expert in conquering. That strange feeling that overwhelms your body when he looks at you, makes you feel special? Well, think again, because you are not than one more on his endless list!

- He is just like that prize that everyone desires. That is particularly why you want him too. But be careful, because what you wish for may be what you will get.
- He has that something that attracts you. However, do you know what are the chances for you two to remain together after the first night – none!
- He is so good because he has perfected his skills throughout many years of practice.
- He apparently seems to know exactly when to say something and when not
- When something appears too good to be true, then probably it is not
- He has a little bit of a drama in his life, and requires your compassion
- He compliments you all the time
- He appears to have your back, but is this real?
The guy you hate
‘I’ll never call you again! That’s for sure. This was a mistake!’
This one is probably the trickiest. You seem to have two contrasting feelings for the same guy, until you decide to give it a try. Chances are you will probably regret it.
Anger sex can sometimes be better than the normal one. It is more appealing to women, because they seem to have finally attained to make him shut up.

- You are in for a wild one!
- The chances that it is going to be an aggressive sex are higher
- He is not at all bad looking, but be careful!
- He has something that appeals to you, but you don’t know what?
- All this teasing has created an emotional connection between you two
- His behavior is rude and misogynist
The narcissist

‘How does my hair look like? I am the hottest bomb!’
His style, his beauty and his refinements are the things that might have put you on guard. But you know that common saying: ‘Appearances might be misleading.‘ Well, if you do not, then it is probably the perfect opportunity for you to learn it!
- He hates criticism more than anything!
- He often needs your compliments more than you do
- He might be possessive and jealous
- He often goes at the gym to work out
- He thinks he is the center of the universe
- He never returns your calls because ‘he has more important things to do’
- He is confident and cocky
Mommy’s baby

‘All of my friends said that you are wrong! You should not treat me like this.’
I believe we have all met this type of guy, if not you should probably avoid him. He is that type of men who never grows up and who does not get involved in any type of relationship.
- He will firstly introduce you to his mother
- His mother is his best friend and he needs her confirmation
- He is addicted to video games
- He is always positive and probably makes you laugh
- He is childish and watches a lot of porn
- If he gets to really care about you, then it is a sincere feeling. But there’s a long way until then!
There are several types of men you can easily spot everywhere you look. With the help Megan Correia who has recently written an impressive article on this particular topic, you can now easily predict the character a man has.
The combination between the types of characters she has pointed out together with our naughty ideas, they had concluded in a complete portrait of the guys you should be careful with.
It is totally true that there are always exceptions to the rule, but here we mainly talk about how things normally look like. In order to be able to predict the type of man he is you just need to read the body signs.
Unfortunately it is said that the worst that can happen to you is to meet a combination of the types of men listed above. Cupid’s arrow might strike you, but with bad luck.
The best advice for you is to go with your gut and yes – Problem solved!